Chapter 5

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Priya pov
I was sitting in my bed and thinking about what happened today. After my fight with my brother he gave me my kitkat he got call from periappa so he went inside. I was playing with krish and we were eating chocolate. I took him in my arms and went inside. I felt someone gaze in me I looked around and found the old lady whom I saw in temple is sitting there behind her the handsome man is sitting and looking me. Our eyes met suddenly anni came and took me inside.
I – anni why they came here
Anni – Pri  they came here with a proposal. They asked ur hand for her elder grandson who is sitting beside her.
I – what ?
Anni – S
My parents came inside and my mom said that they have seen me in temple and thought that u will be perfect for her grandson so they came here with proposal.  My father continued that his name is Vikram Ramprasant, CEO of RP group of companies. He lost his parents in accident. My mom said that everyone are ok with this proposal if u are ok with this we can proceed. I don’t know what to say. I saw the happiness in my parents eyes while talking about this proposal. I thought for a while and said to them that I always want a arrange marriage if everyone are ok with this I am ok with this marriage. My mom hugged me and said she was happy they went out and informed everyone. My anni came and hugged me and said don’t be tensed be relax.
I – anni I said s to this marriage I don’t know I can able to  handle new responsibilities or not
Latha Anni – its common I also gone through this phase. U can do it. U talk with him once then u will feel better.
I nodded she smiled and went out. After sometime anni came and took me out. I searched for him but he is no where. Anni whispered in my ears that he has gone due to some work. I blushed and bend down my head. I went near grandma and took blessing. She blessed and said after their parents dismissal I took care of them here after u should take care of my both grandson. I nodded my head. His brother came to me and said anni I am  happy that u came to our life. I felt something when he called me anni. Elders started talking I came to know that they have seen matching for us out of 10 ours are matching 9. Monday they decide to finalize the date for engagement and marriage. After that they went. While I was thinking about today suddenly I remembered that I have a bank exam day after tomorrow that is  Saturday in Coimbatore. Yes I am writing bank exam. My friend deepa aim is to become bank officer as I was fond of aptitude and reasoning I was just accompanying her. I was just writing it for my experience. Even I am taking class in my free time. We both are studying MBA together. Only project and some guest lectures are remaining for us  before exam. My best friends are deepa, kiran, kavya. Kiran is working in Cts Coimbatore and kavya is my cousin also she is working in Chennai. I texted in our group that I have to talk to them kavya said she will talk to her in phone. Kiran said that he has no office at Saturday so he decide to come with us to exam center. I texted ok. Later I called kavya and told everything she said she is happy for me we talked sometimes and i  went to sleep. 

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