Chapter 36

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Vikram pov
                  It has been 10 days after my parents death anniversary. Priya has been taking more care towards Vijay. He is slowly reducing the tablets. I wish he will be cured soon. Today Priya is going to join Institute as training and placement staff. We are having breakfast while Mala aunty came and gave lunch box to Priya.
Mala aunty – Priya ma I have kept ur favourite tomato rice for lunch.
Priya – Thank u ma.
I – Priya r u sure that u go alone in scooty.
Priya – S how much time u ask this Vikram.
I – I just want ur safety.
Priya – I will take care. Ur bodyguard also will follow me right?
I was shocked how she know it.
Vikram – Wh.. What bodyguard?
Priya – I know everything don’t hide it.
Vijay – How did u found it anni?
She smiled.
Priya – After my marriage fixed with ur anna. I went to Coimbatore for exam. At that time I felt someone is following me. When Vikram came to drop me at bus stand. I noticed Vikram signalled a man. After that I noticed that person every where I went. Once I went and talked with him. He said that his name is Alex, a bodyguard appointed by Vikram.
Vijay – Anni u r great.
I – Alex didn’t inform about ur talk.
Priya – I only told not to tell u.
I – Ohh.
Priya – Ok I am going bye.
Vijay – bye anni all the best.
Vikram – Bye Riya.
She nodded and went.
Priya pov
               I reached the Institute. The school is at right side and college is at left. At center main block which has staff room and office room. Both has common entrance gate but separate back gate are present for students. I went inside Principal room.
I – Excuse me Sir.
Principal – S come in.
I went inside and gave my appointment order.
Principal – please sit. So u r the one appointed by Sivakumar sir?
I – S sir.
Principal – I thought he appointed aged person. But u r too young and unmarried.
I didn’t like him at first sight. I need to be careful with him. I hide my marriage because if I said I am married I want to tell about my husband. So it’s better to hide it. I wore boat neck blouse ,cut shoe so that mangalsutra and toe ring is not able to seen and didn’t put sindoor in my hair partition so none will get doubt. I don’t like his look too. After talking with him I went to staff room with peon. In staff room Peon took me to the girl might be 2 or 3 years elder to me.
Peon- Ragini Mam she is newly appointed staff.
Ragini – Ohh ur the aptitude training staff right
I – Yes mam
Ragini – U r temporary staff only. If u want to be permanent that will be in my hands only got it.
She said in attitude and warning tone.
I nodded.
Ragini – U may go. Ur class schedule will be placed in ur seat.
I went to my seat. I noticed she is ordering everyone. I want to find who she is. With that thought I went to do my work.

Vikram pov
                    Today is Priya's first day in Institute as a staff. I didn’t like the idea for her being a staff. But when she said that she wants to know everything that is happening there I felt it is indeed good idea. In office my mind was around Priya. Will she be comfortable in Institute. Arrggg I can’t able to stay here anymore. I finished my lunch and went to Institute. I went to my cabin and started to look at today’s class schedule. Someone knocked the door.
I – Come in.
Principal rushed inside.
Principal – Good afternoon Sir.
I – Good afternoon. Have a seat.
He sat and asked
Principal – Sir is there any problem that u came here without informing.
I – Y I can’t come here without informing?
I question him.
Principal – No no sir nothing like that. I asked casually.
I – Hmm It has been long time I visited here so just came here. U may go now I will call u if there is any necessity.
Principal – Ok sir.
Saying this he went out. I found that Priya class is at final B. Com. I started to go there like a normal rounds. When I reached final B. Com I saw her. She is teaching something. I went near the door.
I – Excuse me.
She turned and shocked seeing me. I went inside. Students wished me. I wished them back. I turned to Priya and asked
I – What’s ur name mam and what r u taking?
She came back to sense and replied me I professional tone.
Priya – I am Priya. I joined here today as  training and placement staff.
She said gritting her teeth. I nodded.
I – U may continue ur class Miss. Priya. After class come to my cabin I want to discuss about placement details of this year.
Priya – Ok sir.
Saying this I went to my cabin. I called Principal and started to discuss recent activities of the Institute before Priya comes here. After half an hour someone knocked the door.
I – S come in.
Priya came in. She looked little angry
Priya – Sir u asked me to meet you
I – Yes Miss Priya I want to discuss about placement details . Take ur seat.
She sat beside Principal.
I – Sir u may go if I need any details I will call you.
Principal – Ok sir.
He went out.
Priya – Why did u come here?. I said I can manage but u won’t listen right.
She pouted. I smiled
I – Riya it’s not like that I want to see you that’s y I came here.
Priya – Ohh
I stood and walked towards her. Suddenly someone opened the door. Before I could shout Ragini came and hugged me. I was shocked. I looked at Priya she too looked shock and angry.

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