Chapter 17

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Vikram pov
             Priya went after feeding me. When Priya feed me I remembered my mother. I miss U Amma and appa .I completed my work in 15 minutes. I mailed it to the manager and said him to take care of other things. I came out of the room. I looked around and went to balcony. There was a swing which looks simple and beautiful. Dinesh came there.
Dinesh  - Mama u know this is Priya’s favourite place. She loves swing.
I – Ohh. I see. Ok how was ur studies going?
Dinesh – It’s good mama. Exam are going to start next month. I am preparing for that.
I – Fine.
   We both were talking Priya came there.
Priya – Dinesh did u bought ice cream or not. Kids are asking ice cream.
Dinesh – Ohh shit. I forgot akka. I will go and buy it now.
Priya – Go fast otherwise they will kill u.
Dinesh – Mama I want to go now. Will talk to u later.
     I nodded. He went. I turned to Priya.
I – Riya did you had ur lunch
Priya – I had. U finished ur work.
I – yeah it’s over.
Priya – Ok Everyone are waiting for u shall we go
I nodded. We both were walking in steps. I saw Vijay was coughing. Priya's  periamma started rubbing his back while her anni gave water to him. I got little emotional seeing their care. Priya hold my shoulder. I looked her. She blinked her eyes telling that everything will fine. I nodded to her. We both went to Hall. After talking for sometimes me, Vijay and his friends started to go. We bid bye to everyone and went to home. Grandma is waiting for us.
Grandma – Vikram when did u came
I – Afternoon only grandma.
Grandma – Ohhh after coming u directly went to see ur Priya right
I – Nothing like that grandma
Grandma – I know I know.
I just smiled at her.
Vijay – Grandma u know today we had a great time in Anni home. They all are lovely. I like them all.
Grandma – what did u guys did there.
Vijay – We played more games even Anni also played with us. U know she is good player. They made delicious foods.
He explained everything with happiness. I missed this lot. I am happy that Vijay is happy. I came to room after dinner. I called Priya.
Priya – Hi
I – Hi.  I had a great time today.
Priya – That’s nice.
I – Riya thank you for coming into my life.
Priya -  Are u ok. Still u r thinking about what happen in afternoon.
I – I am fine Riya. I just want to say this to u.
Priya – Everything will be fine don’t worry Mr. CEO.
   She is trying to change my mind. I smiled little.
I – Riya when ur exams are going to start
Priya – Next Monday
I – Ok . U played really well today. I thought u will be studying I didn’t expect you there.
Priya – Thanks. everyone forced me to play. Here Sunday we spend time with family only mostly.
I – ohh ok ok. U go and study. Bye.
Priya – Bye. Good night
I – Goodnight.
    I slept thinking about today.

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