Chapter 53

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Priya pov
           It has been 2 months Vikram took me to date. Next day Vikram surprised me by taking me to tirupur. Even Kavya, Diya, Vijay, Karthik Anna and Arjun anna came with us. We had a great time in my Parents home. Diya is so much happy in getting love and affection. After returning from tirupur all got busy in our work we rarely spend time. Vijay took charge of Jewellery business. At present I was sitting in bed with laptop files are placed in bed. I was revising previous questions of 12th for preparing model question paper which is going to be held next month. I don’t know when I slept.
Vikram pov
               I reached home at 12. I didn’t spend proper time with my Riya for the past one month as I was busy in international project. Now it’s over I happily opened our room door to see my wife sleeping in sitting position with laptop in her lap and bed fully covered with files. I smiled and closed the door slowly. I went near her and took the laptop closed it and placed the files in study table. I made her to sleep comfortably in bed and covered with bedsheet. I laid beside her after fresh up. I pulled her into my arms she snuggled into me more. I kissed her head and slept with her in my arms. Next day I woke early. I saw Riya is sleeping peacefully. I kissed her forehead and went to fresh up. Then I went down to make breakfast. As today is Sunday no work. I thought to make poori and potato masala which is my Riya's favourite. Almost everything is ready I was going to off the stove suddenly Riya hugged me from back.
Priya – Good morning
I – Good morning darling
Priya – When did u came at night and now what are you doing here?
I – I came at 12 and now I am made your favourite poori and potato masala.
Priya – Hmmm
She just hummed still hugging me. I turn off the stove.
Priya – I missed you so much.
I – I too missed you Jaan. Due to work I can’t able to spend time with you now it’s over I will be free for you.
Saying this I slowly turned towards her. I leaned forward to kiss her lips.
Guys get a room.  Hearing this we both separated. Arjun was standing there with a teasing smile. Priya went out immediately.
I – why everyone has to spoil my romance
I said in irritation. Arjun laughed looking at me.
I – Idiot don’t laugh.
Karthik came.
Karthik – Arjun Why are you laughing Like this? And why are you looking like angry bird
Karthik asked latter question looking towards me. 
Arjun – Nothing machi I spoiled his romance so only he is like this.
Karthik too started laughing.
I – Enough come lets have breakfast
Kavya and Vijay also came down for breakfast. We all started eating.
Priya – Kavya when Diya is coming.
Kavya – She will be here in an hour.
Priya – Hmm ok.
I looked at Arjun who is sitting beside me. he stopped eating and look emotionless.
I – Arjun what happen?
I asked him slowly
Arjun – Nothing
Saying this he started eating. I signed.
When you are going to come out of fear of losing your loved one and Going to accept Diya.
I thought in my mind.
Author pov
           After breakfast everyone is sitting in living room and talking. Soon Diya too joined them.
Karthik – Girls today we boys are going to make lunch.
Kavya – you know cooking
Karthik – Angel we used to cook in school days together. Wait and see how tasty our food is.
Kavya – Ohh that we girls say  
Priya and Diya said yes.
Four of them went to make lunch. Priya, kavya and Diya started watching TV.
Kavya – Diya are you ok. You are looking disturbed.
Priya – Yes I too noticed you. What happen any problem.
Diya – Nothing I am fine just tired because of work load.
They both nodded at her. But they are not convinced with her reply. They both let it go for now. Soon lunch time came.
Vikram – Girls lunch is ready come let’s eat.
Girls came to dining room.
Priya – What you guys made?
Vikram – Your favourite fish fry, kavya favourite mutton biryani and Diya favourite chicken pallipalayam along with onion raita , white rice and rasam.
Kavya – wow super. All are ok but how you know Diya’s favourite. She didn’t mention it right.
Karthik – Arjun only said
All looked towards Arjun.
Arjun – Once grandpa said it.
Diya looked at him emotionally. Priya saw it and talked to change the atmosphere.
Priya – Guys I can’t wait to taste it. All are tempting come on let’s eat.
Vijay – S anni am too hungry.
All started eating.
Kavya – Really you guys made amazing lunch.
Priya – I too loved it.
All are eating and talking. Diya is eating silently. After lunch all sat in living room with ice cream. Arjun went out to attend the call. After call he was coming towards hall while using phone. At the same time Diya came from dining room after washing her hand. Both collide each other. Diya was about to fall but Arjun held her by holding  her waist. Both lost in each other eyes. Arjun was the first one to break the eye contact. He made her stand properly. All others watching them.
Arjun – Sorry
Diya – It’s ok.
Arjun was about to move.
Diya – Arjun one minute. I want to talk with you.
Arjun – There is nothing to talk.
Diya – Please Arjun it’s very important to talk now. I ..
Before she talk further Arjun stopped her by his voice
Arjun – How many times I had said that I don’t love you why can’t you leave me. If you want money that I have then there are many more who are more rich than me. Why don’t you go..
Before he complete. He felt heavy slap in his cheek. All are shocked. They ran towards them.
Diya – Do you think of me this cheap. You cant listen to me fully and started talking. Che I hate my myself for loving you. Here after I don’t come infront of you.
Saying this Diya went out. Priya and Kavya followed her. Vikram and Karthik looked Arjun angrily.
Vikram – Do you have any sense. Why you talked to her like this.
Arjun didn’t talked.
Karthik – Why are you standing like this. Don’t you see how hurt she is?
Vikram – Speak up you idiot.
Arjun – What I have to say. I know what I said infact I said those words so that she will hate me. I don’t want her to spoil her life for me. I want her to live happily without me.
He said with tears in his eyes.
Vikram – Why are you hurting yourself and her. I have seen love and care for her in your eyes. Come out of your fear of losing your loved ones and accept her. How long you are going to be alone. You too need someone in your life.
Arjun wiped his tears.
Arjun – There was meeting in commissioner office so I have to leave.
Saying this he went out. On the other side Diya went to garden and sat in bench and started crying Priya and Kavya sat beside her and consoled her.
Priya – Diya don’t cry. What anna said is wrong may be he said in angry. Please don’t cry for that.
Diya – How can he say like that Priya. I only want his love not money. I have been waited for him that  one day he will realise my love but no he thought that I am behind him for money.
Kavya – He might be fear of  losing due to his past.
Diya – I know but we don’t know what future hold for us. If I die tomorrow till that time I want to live with him that’s all I want. Here after I won’t go infront of him.
Saying this she wiped her tears. All this was heard by Arjun when he came out to go.

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