Chapter 29

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Vikram pov
                While leaving from Priya house everyone asked me to take care of her. I saw love and care they have for her. Everyone cried in emotion but Priya try to control her tears but she can’t control when Krish asked her to stay there itself. I know it’s difficult to stay away from their family. I promised to give happiness to her till end of my life. It pained me when I saw tears in her eyes. She calmed down during travel. After finishing my work I sat on bed and looked at her. She is sleeping peacefully. I leaned and kissed her forehead. I laid in bed and slept seeing her face.
               I woke at 7 and found other side of bed empty. I think she went down. I did my morning chores and went to house gym. Vijay and karthik didn't came. I don't know what to do with this lazy idiots. I shake my head in disbelief and started work out.

Priya pov
               My sleep got disturbed by sun light. I woke and saw the time it’s 6:15. I looked at Vikram who is sleeping. I just had a urge to touch his hair. It’s so silky. I slowly ruffled his hair. He stirred in his sleep. I quickly got down and went inside bathroom. After bathing I woke red salwar. I came to kitchen and saw Mala aunty already present there.
I – Good morning aunty.
Mala aunty – Good morning kanna. Why u woke early u must be tired of yesterday travel.
I – No aunty I am fine.
Mala aunty – What u want tea or coffee?
I – I won’t drink tea aunty only coffee.
Mala aunty – Ok I will make  coffee for u.
I – Ok aunty. I will make breakfast.
Mala aunty – No no u just sit and say what u want I will make.
I – Please aunty I will make u just sit and assist me.
Mala aunty – Already Vikram is not allowing me to do other work now u also joined in it ah.
I – U just supervise everything aunty y r u straining yourself. If I can’t able to make food u can do that time.
Mala aunty – U are same as Vikram’s mother. She also care for everyone. She treat her workers as her family.
I smiled at her.
Mala aunty – here have this coffee.
I had my coffee and started to make breakfast. I asked mala aunty to set dining table. I took coffee and went to check on everyone. Karthik anna came from his room all ready.
I – Good morning anna.
Karthik –  Good morning thangachi ( younger sister)
I – Here take ur coffee.
Karthik – Thanks .
He took coffee and sat in living room. I went to Vijay room and knocked it. He opened with sleepy mode.
I – Good morning Vijay.
Vijay – Good morning anni.
I – Take ur coffee. Get ready and come fast for breakfast.
Vijay – Hmm ok anni.
Then I went to give Coffee for Vikram. I opened the door and shocked.

Vikram pov
             After bathing I heard my phone sound. I came out wearing the towel around my waist. While talking in call I heard door opening sound. I looked at the door. Priya entered with a coffee tray. She got shocked seeing me like this. She started to starring at me. I smirked internally. I cut the call.
I – Liked what u see.
She came back to her sense.
Priya – Wh… what?
I – I asked did u like what u see?
Priya – I didn’t see anything.
She said looking down. I slowly went near her and took the tray and kept in the table. She didn’t looked at me once.
I – Really.
Priya – Ye. . Yes.
I went near her she is moving back and stop in door. I caged her by keeping my hands on either side.
I – U have every right on me and my body. Don’t be shy.
By saying this I kissed her cheek. She blushed and hugged me. I hugged her back. We were like this for some time.
I – I don’t have problem to stand like this full day. But so many people will be waiting for me in office.
She came out of hug.
I - Don't worry we can continue after I return from office.
Priya – Chee ponnga (go) u r so mean.
She slapped My shoulder little and ran outside. I laughed at her and went to closet. During breakfast whenever I saw her she blushed. I smiled at her shyness.
I – Riya there is a important meeting in office. So only I am going  now but I will be here for lunch. Vijay will be at home. If u want anything ask Vijay or call me ok.
Priya – I will be ok u just go to office.
I kissed her forehead.
I – Bye take care.
Priya – Bye.
       Karthik and I were on the way to office. Karthik is driving the car.
Karthik – Machi y r u looking worried.
I – Nothing da. It is the first day for Priya in our home. I came office for meeting. I don’t want her to feel lonely here because she lived in joint family.
Karthik – Don’t worry da she will manage everything. We are here with her. We will keep her happy always ok.
I nodded at him. After meeting I came to my cabin and started to look after few files. It has been one month I didn’t came to Chennai office due to marriage. Thank god Karthik looked after everything. After finishing my work I started to home.

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