Chapter 42

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Vikram pov
                When I came to Institute I saw Ragini is accusing Priya. Anger raised in me. I went near them at the same time Priya slapped her. That’s my girl. After confronting I took Priya to the cabin.
I – Priya sit.
Priya – No Vikram u sit in this chair.
I – No u are the correspondent of this institute so u sit here I will sit beside u. Then u only have to handle this problem.
Priya – But Vikram how I make decision in it.
Vikram – Riya u have every rights to take decision in this institute. No one will question u.
Priya – Ok.
We heard knock.
Priya – Come in.
Both Ragini and Principal came inside.
Ragini – Vikram how could u marry this girl and what about me.
I – What non sense u r talking. Did I said u anytime that I will marry u. No right then y r u reacting like this.
Ragini – But Vikram I love you.
Priya – Stop it. This is working place don’t need to talk  non sense things.
Priya shouted.
Ragini – You
Priya – Don’t dare to raise ur voice. Ok first let’s deal with Principal. Then I will come to u.
Saying this see turn towards Principal.
Priya – Sir now u can continue what u r saying outside.
Principal – Ma…mam that I am sorry mam.
Priya – Sorry ah if someone did like this to ur daughter and said sorry then u will accept.
She shouted at high pitch. I didn’t see Priya like this before. Something big has happened.
I – Priya what happen
Priya – This bastard misbehaved with student. I asked him today then he try to come close to me also. I slapped him and came to call u before that Ragini started another problem.
      I went near Principal and punched him in his face.
I – How dare u do cheap things in my institute.
Priya – Vikram calm down. Not only this many things happened.
I looked at Priya questionly. She nodded
Priya – During the absence of Sivakumar appa and Lalitha Amma this Ragini controlled everyone saying that u r going to marry her. She even dismissed faculties who doesn’t listen to her. Most of the staffs are quite because they need this job due to their family. And this fellow also appointed by her only. Both of them mishandled institute money by collecting extra fees from students and making false bills. But I didn’t thought that he will behave cheaply with girls.
      So many things happened here but I don’t know anything.
Principal – Mam I accept I took institute money but I didn’t  misbehaved with others before this is first time.
Priya – Che don’t you have any shame to talk like this.
    He lowered his head.
I – Priya decide what u want to do
      Priya called security.
Security – S mam
Priya - Hand over him to Police. I will talk to them.
Principal – Mam sorry mam here after this won’t happen please mam.
    He pleaded.
Priya – Security take him right now otherwise I don’t  know what I will do.
   She shouted. He took him outside.
Priya – U here after I don’t want to see u anywhere in institute or near Vikram. Legal notice will come for mishandling institute money. Will see u in court.
   She said to Ragini.
Ragini – Vikram she is wrongly accusing me. Don’t believe her.
Priya – I have proof for everything so don’t act as innocent.
Ragini – It’s all fake Vikram I didn’t
I cut her.
I – Stop I don’t have time to hear ur non sense. Just get out right now.
She looked at Priya angrily and went out. I asked police to  file a case against Principal and Ragini.
I – Now what u are going to do.
Priya -  I want to have a meeting with staff and students separately.
I nodded.
I – Ok u continue your work I will take leave. I have meeting.
Priya – Ok.
I kissed her forehead and went.

Priya pov
            I want to make some changes in institute. I called Senior peon.
Peon – Mam u called me.
I – S Raju anna. I want u to arrange meeting. Now it’s 12. At 1’0 clock I want to meeting with school students at school ground. Then at 2’0 clock college students at college ground and lastly at 3’0 clock both school and college staffs in auditorium. Tomorrow at 11’0 clock other working staffs ( drivers, canteen staffs, cleaning staff , watchman, peons ) pass the circular immediately.
Peon – Ok mam.
Everyone are shocked to know that I am correspondent. First I talked with school students.
I – Good afternoon students. I am your new correspondent. I arranged this meeting to share few things. Here after I don’t want any unnecessary things to happen in institute. If there is any problem u can share it with me. I have allocated time for u guys from 3 to 4 u can come to my cabin and discuss I will try to solve it. If any emergency u can come anytime. And there will be complaint box in every floor u can write and put in it. I will be friendly to you guys but if u guys done any wrong then u will face consequences. Is that clear.
Students – S mam.
     I smiled at them. Then I asked them about school and the changes they want. Like wise I talked with college students also. Then I met staffs and instruct few things. It was long day. After finishing everything I went to home

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