Chapter 41

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Priya pov
                 It has been 2 days since Kavya incident she is coming back to normal with the help of Karthik anna presence. We didn’t inform it to our family as they will afraid and worry. After finishing my class I am going to staff room. A girl came with speed and bumped into me. I looked at her she is crying. She is final year student who went to meet Principal when I was taking class.
I – Swathi what happen why r crying
Swathi – Nothing mam. I need to go.
Saying that she try to go but I held her hand.
I – Don’t cry. I think you are in some problem. U can consider me as ur sister. Say what happen I will try to help you.
While crying she started to speak.
Swathi – Mam my family is very poor. I joined this college with the help of scholarship given by this college. But Principal is asking extra fees mam. I can’t able to pay mam. I told him about my condition. For that he is asking me to… to stay with him one night. He also said that if I say this to anyone he will portrait me as call girl.
She cried more hugging me. I hugged her and rubbed her back.
I -shhh calm down don’t cry I will help u in this. Till that u don’t say this to anyone ok.
Swathi – But mam what will u do?
I - I will handle it u forgot it. Just concentrate in ur studies.ok
She nodded.
I – Now wash ur face and go to ur class.
She nodded and went. Everywhere and everyday women is facing this kind of behaviour from some men. I noticed him trying to talk with lady staff more. I didn’t thought he will go to this extent. I too want to find if he misbehaved with any other. I went to his room with angry. I opened the forcedly and went inside.
Principal – Miss Priya come. Do u need anything.
I – How can u do like this.
Principal – What happen y are u angry. First sit and we talk.
Saying this he came near me and try to touch my shoulder. I pushed his hands away.
I – Don’t  dare to touch me. U r in the position of teaching young generation in to right path but u are doing cheap things. Don’t  you have shame.
Principal – What are u talking.
I – Don’t act I am talking about how u behave with student who came few minutes before.
Principal – Ohh that relax. It’s just adjustment. U know if u agree then I will give u big position in this institute.
I slapped him.
I – U will pay for it.
Saying it I came out. I can’t wait anymore. I have to inform it to Vikram immediately. My phone is in cabin I went to take it. When I reach staff room staffs are standing near my place Ragini is searching something in my drawer. Ragini took a cover with money. She saw me and smiled cunningly.
Ragini – Ohh look Madam came.
I – What are u doing in my place.
Ragini – Ohh u r raising ur voice ah. U made wrong bill and took institute money and now u r acting.
I – What the hell? See I don’t have time for ur non sense. Move aside I want to make important call.
I said and tried to move her from my table.
Ragini – Hey u girl what u think of ur self. U bitch
I just slapped her hardly. I can’t tolerate if someone accusing me falsely.
Ragini – How dare u slap me
Saying this she raised her hand to slap me. Before I react a hand stopped her. I looked at the person. I was shocked to see Vikram standing there with anger filled eyes. Principal came there . He left her hand.
Vikram – What’s happening here?
He shouted.
Ragini – Vikram I confronted this girl for her mistake but she slapped me.
I just looked her with anger.
Vikram – What she did?
Ragini – She made wrong bill and mishandled institute money. Not only this yesterday she tried to get close to Karthik also.
Principal came front.
Principal – S sir what Ragini madam saying is right. Few minutes before she came to my room and said that If I give her higher post in institute she will satisfy me in bed.
Vikram slapped him hard.
Vikram – If u say a word against her then u will be dead.
He shouted.
Ragini – Vikram why are u supporting that bitch.
Vikram -  Don’t u dare to talk like this about her. Do u know who she is.
Vikram pulled me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
Vikram – She is Priya Vikram Ramprasad.
Everyone gasped. I looked at him with love.
Vikram – She is the correspondent of this institute Then why should she stole money. Everyone get back to ur work. U two come to my cabin right now.
He said looking at Ragini and Principal.

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