Chapter 18

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Priya pov
                I am going to Coimbatore today as my exams starts tomorrow. Kavya still didn’t met Vikram so she is coming with me. We are going to meet Vikram in brookfields mall after that she will go to chennai. I and deeps stay in hostel or pg during exams but this time Vikram told strictly that we should stay in his hotel and driver will take us to college. He even convinced my father also. Deeps parents are ok with this. She will come to hotel directly at evening because some guest came to her house. Vikram send driver to pick us. We reached mall. I called Vikram. He said he is at food court. We went there. I saw Vikram with Karthik anna. Vikram saw us and signalled me to come.
Vikram – Hi
I – Hi
Karthik – My little sister how r u
I – I am fine anna. What about you.
Karthik – Good ma.
I – This is kavya my cousin as well as best friend.
   I introduced kavya to them. We started talking.
Kavya – Anna take care of Priya. She is everything to me.
Vikram – Sure kavya. After she enters into my life I got a beautiful family even I got a sister like u so u don’t worry I will take care of her.
Kavya – Thanks Anna.
    Kavya’s phone started ringing. She said she will come within few minutes and went. Karthik Anna also went saying that he will be back. We both started talking.
Karthik Pov
                  Vikram and I came to mall to see Priya. Priya came and she introduced a girl behind her as her cousin cum best friend kavya. When I looked her face I was shocked. Angel I whispered slowly. Yes she is the one who saved my life. Few months before I came Coimbatore for a meeting I was talking in phone and walking in roadside suddenly someone pulled me I saw a lorry behind me just a miss I will be hit by lorry. I turned to see who saved me. A girl with chocolate brown eyes in blue anarkali dress. She asked me whether I am ok or not. I nodded my head no words came from my mouth I was just looking at her. Few girls came and took her with them. I came back to sense I searched around but she disappeared. From that minute I named her as angel. Again one day I saw her helping needy people by giving food packets to them. That time also I missed her. I shared it with Vikram he said that God will show ur angel soon. His words came true. I tried to find her but I cant able to see her. Now she is in front of me. I was just seeing her while we were talking. Priya and kavya was talking. Vikram came near my ears and asked me is this ur angel. I asked him how u found it.  He replied I heard u dude and smiled. I followed her when she got a phone call. I stand little far away from her. After she cut the call she turned and she saw me. I smiled at her and went near her.
I – Hi
Kavya- Hi
I – I thought to give privacy to them so I also came from there.
Kavya – That’s fine.
    She saw someone behind me and smiled I turned and saw a man at his mid 20’s. She went near him and hugged him. I was shocked. What if he is her boyfriend. I have seen him somewhere but I don’t know where it is. I was thinking kavya came and introduced him as kiran her best friend. I hand shake with him. We went to Vikram and Priya. Priya hugged him even kavya joined them. I looked at Vikram.
Vikram – They are like this only when I saw him first time I also shocked but after talked with them I came to know that he is like a brother to them. So u don’t worry about it.
I – Y should I worry about it
Vikram smiled.
Vikram – Don’t lie I know u.  I know u had a feeling for ur angel.
I scratched the nape of my neck.
Vikram – Don’t worry machi I think she is single only.
I -  How u know?
Vikram – Once Priya said  deepa is only committed all others are single.
I – I am not sure about my feelings.
Vikram – Just listen to ur heart. At one point u know about ur feeling then u go in that way.
I – Thanks machi. U only know about me.
   Three of them busy in their talk so they didn’t listen to our conversation. We all went to lunch together.

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