Chapter 44

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Priya pov
                Vikram stopped media from taking interview. He told them that after one week the reception will be held and will say about our marriage. This one week was hectic. Lots of works in institute and on the other side shopping for reception. Finally now I am getting ready for our reception. All my family members and Vikram grandma came yesterday. They all went to venue here I am getting little nervous that how everyone will take that I am Vikram’ s wife.
Kavya – Hey don’t think too much.
I – Nothing like that.
Kavya – I know you. Don’t worry everything will be fine.
I nodded.
Kavya – I am going to venue. Vikram Anna will take u  come soon.
She went out with beautician. I was Waiting for Vikram after few minutes door opened. There he entered. He is wearing black suit. He is looking hot. He came near me.
Vikram – U r looking beautiful. I think I should keep you away from the world. U r mine only mine.
Saying this he kissed my lips lightly. I blushed and looked down.
Vikram – Still u r shy baby.
I slightly beat his shoulder. He laughed.
Vikram – Come beautiful everyone are waiting for us.
We both went to venue where our reception took place. I was nervous. Vikram hold my hand.
Vikram – Don’t be nervous. I will be with you.
I nodded. The car stopped at venue. Vikram kissed my forehead.
Vikram – Relax baby. U can handle it.
We both came out. Media surrounded us. I closed my eyes due to flash light from cameras. Bodyguards are trying to manage them. They took us inside. I saw my family members and friends are waiting for us. I went towards them. All are happy for me. Then Vikram introduced me to some clients. Grandma and Lalitha amma introduced me to their friends.
Lady 1: Amma u selected beautiful girl for Vikram.
Lady 2 : S she is so beautiful.
Lady 3 : What beautiful she can’t stand infront of my daughter. Ragini only best for Vikram.
She said giving disgusting look at me. I think she is mother of that idiot Ragini.
Lalitha amma – Kavitha Don’t compare Priya with ur daughter. Didn’t your daughter said u that how she cheated institute money.
Kavitha – Ragini is innocent. She is the one who falsely accused my daughter. I don’t know what magic she done to u guys.
She said pointing at me. I got angry and going to reply. But before me grandma started talking.
Grandma – Kavitha Don’t dare to talk like that to my granddaughter. If u say a word against her then I won’t leave u. Now get out of this place.
She said angrily. Kavitha aunty went from there after giving me a glare.
Lalitha amma – Don’t take her Words into your mind. She is always like this only.
I slightly smiled and nodded. After few minutes Vikram came and said it’s time for announcement to media. We both went to stage. Vijay was already present there. We gave some pose to camera. Then all started their questions.
Media person 1 – Sir why did u keep ur marriage secretly?
Media person 2 – Is this forced marriage?
Media person 3 – Why didn’t you marry a girl equal to your status?
Vikram – Wait guys I will answer you all. First of all it is not forced marriage. I willingly married her. I didn’t published it because it’s my personal and I want Priya to get comfortable first. Status and money are nothing infront of her love and care.
   I looked at him with smile.
Media person – Vijay Sir tell us about your anni?
Vijay – After my parents death I longed for mother’s love. Now I am getting it in the form of my anni. She is mother to me.
   He told looking at me with moist eyes. Vikram went and hugged him. After interview dance started. First kids danced then all danced with pairs what surprised me is Vijay and Mithra danced together. I smiled looking at them. Kids dragged me and Vikram to the dance floor. We too danced with them. We enjoyed lot. Later we took dinner. Function ended happily. Kavya took me to a room and asked me to fresh up and gave jeans and top to change.
I – Why r u asking me to change here.
Kavya – Don’t ask questions just get ready in half an hour.
Saying this she pushed me to bathroom. I sighed and went to get ready. After 20 minutes I came out wearing jeans and top.
Kavya – U came good come lets go
I – Where?
Kavya – Will tell u come.
She dragged me out. Karthik Anna waiting for us in car. I asked them but both didn’t said anything. After half an hour we reached airport I looked at them questionly.
Karthik – Go inside there is surprise for you.
We went inside. Vikram is standing there in casuals. Now t only him all the family members are there. I went near them.
I – What’s happening?
Vikram – Nothing we are going to honeymoon.
I – Really?
Vikram – S
I – Where ?
Vikram – Greece.
     I got excited and hugged him. Its my dream to go greece. We both bid bye to everyone and went to boarding.

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