Chapter 11

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Priya POV
I woke up at 7:30 and did my morning chores. I went down my mom gave me a coffee I took it and came to the balcony and sit in the swing. I was hearing songs in my headphone and sipping the coffee by closing the eyes. Suddenly someone poured water in my face I opened my eyes and saw my brother was smirking. I kept the coffee mug and started chasing him. He went down and I Followed him we both are chasing  and  shouting at each other.
Mom – You both started again stop it now. Priya  why are you chasing him?
Dad -  why r u asking her ask ur son.
Dinesh – Amma I did nothing.
I – liar he poured water in my face.
Dinesh – amma u only asked me to call her I went and called her but she was dreaming about mama and didn’t response to me so only I pour water.
I widened my eyes.
I – Nothing like that I was hearing music only.
Three of them looked at me and started laughing. My mom went to kitchen and set the dinning table for breakfast. I too helped her. We had our breakfast.
Mom- Priya Vikram and their family are coming at 11  so get ready before they arrive ur anni’s will come now.
I – Ok amma.
After breakfast I was helping mom in kitchen my 3 periamma’s and anni’s came. All r doing work.
Sumi anni –  Athai (Mother in law) what we r going to do for dessert.
Mom- I didn’t decided about it Sumi.
Pavi anni – Athai we can make gulab jamun , priya u make cup cakes as u r best in making it. Then we can buy ice cream.
Mom – That‘s good.
I started making cup cakes. I kept the cake in oven to bake. Then I went to my room to get ready. My anni’s teasing me everytime. I changed into skyblue colour salwar and I got ready with the help of my anni’s. Vani anni came and said they arrived so come down. We went down I lift my eyes up Vikram is looking at me without blinking his eyes I blushed and turned other side. I saw grandma was sitting there with smile. I went near her and took blessing. She told me to sit beside her.
Grandma – How r u my dear
I – Fine paati ( grandma)
Grandma – Priya this is Karthik Vikram’s friend he is also like my grandson.
She said pointing the person sitting right to Vikram.
Karthik – Hi sis
I – Hi
Vijay – Anni u look beautiful in this dress.
   I smiled looking at him. I can sense Vikram is looking at me but I didn’t look at him if I look at him my face will be red. Then everyone will tease me. All r waiting to take revenge for what I did during their marriage. Pandit came. My mom gave our horoscope he looked into it.
Pandit – Both horoscope are matching perfectly. They have blessing of god. The perfect date for their marriage is April 20. If u leave this after 2 years only there is a good date for their marriage as per their horoscope.
          Elders started to discuss. Only one and half months are there for April 20. My exam are till April 12.
Grandma – We think April 20 is right date. R u ok with this.
Vikram – Paati I am ok with what u all decide. But I want simple marriage.
Dad – Mapillai ( son in law ) I had a dream to make my daughter marriage grandly. Do u have any problem in grand wedding.
Vikram – There is no problem for me but I think Priya wont feel comfortable with sudden attention from media and other persons. She want time for everything. Once she is comfortable we can have a grand reception.
Dad – We are happy to give our daughter hands to you. As u said we can have simple wedding.
Grandma – I am proud of u my dear.
Vikram smiled at her. He is thinking for me. I was looking at him and forgot about surrounding.
Grandma – Priya dear are u ok with this date and simple wedding.
I – I am ok Paati.
Pandit – Then we can fix April 20 marriage. For Engagement March 10 that is next week will be perfect.
Everyone are happy with the date. My mom gave sweets to everyone. Elders started to talk about arrangements. Grandma told tomorrow we can go for shopping for engagement. She said to Vikram to inform the staffs and arrange everything. They have textile shop also. I don’t know how much more are there. My mom called everyone for lunch. First Vikram, grandma, Vijay, Karthik anna, appa,  3 periappa and uncle sat for lunch. Grandma asked me to sit with them. I politely refused saying that I will eat later. I was severing everyone and glancing at Vikram. He noticed me and winked at me. After food anni serve them gulub jamun, cup cakes and icecream.
Vijay – Wow Cup cakes are yummy. I didn’t tasted like this before. Where u bought this Pavi ka.
Pavi anni – We didn’t bought from shop it is made by your Priya anni.
  They all look at me.
Vijay – really anni it’s super. I loved it.
I smiled and said thanks. Vikram phone rang. He excused and went out to attend the call. Elders are talking with each other. Vijay and karthik anna is talking with me. Both are friendly type. Vijay asked me about the ground. I took them to show it. Vijay liked it very much. I asked them to come to play at any weekend. They agreed to it.
I – Do u guys have textile shop.
Vijay – S anni u don't know about it.
I – I don't know about u guys when I said my friends that my marriage is fixed with ur  brother. They only told me u guys are richest people in India.
Karthik anna and Vijay looked at me amazingly.
Vijay – Anni appa first started textile shop in Coimbatore. He worked hard and  opened branches all over India. He started school and college at Chennai as my amma wants to educate children at low cost. After their dismiss anna took charge and expand it. Now we have 7 hotels in India, steels industry, software companies and we have 3 malls in other states also.
I – Ohh.
Vikram came there. Vijay and Karthik anna went inside giving privacy to us. 
Vikram – Cupcakes are really good. U r amazing chef.
I – Thanks.
Vikram – Did u went for cooking class.
I – No. My brothers and sisters children ask me variety of snacks so I learned it through youtube.
Vikram – ok. I want to give gift for the hands that make a wonderful cakes.
I looked at him. He looked around us  and took my hands and kissed it. I blushed and ran inside. I went and stood behind anni. I was blushing like a idiot. After sometime they bid bye and went saying that they will meet tomorrow at shop.

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