Chapter 47

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Vikram pov
               Karthik, kavya and me are discussing about work when my phone rang. It’s unknown number. I answer it the thing that I hear from it shattered me to the core. My phone slipped from my hand I stood like statue. Karthik is shaking me and asking what happened.
Karthik – Vikram what happened why are u like this who called u .
He asked loudly.
I – Ri.. Riya acci.. accident
Kavya – Anna what happened to Priya.
I – Riya got accident taking her to VS hospital. Let’s go come.
We three immediately started to hospital. Karthik is driving car. Kavya is crying.
Karthik – Don’t cry nothing will happen to her.
    We reached there in 10 minutes. I rushed inside and asked the receptionist about Priya. She said Priya is in emergency ward. I ran towards it. Kavya and Karthik are coming behind me. Nurse came out of emergency ward.
I – Sister Priya How is she
Nurse – Accident case right she is inside doctor is treating her. U wait here doctor will come and inform u.
Saying this she left. Karthik kept his hand in my shoulder.
Karthik – Nothing will happen to her come and sit here.
  He made me to sit in chair. Why God why  u always doing this to me. Why can’t I be happy first u took my parents now accident for Priya. I kept my hands into my face and cried.
Karthik came and hugged me.
Karthik – Vikram calm down Priya will be fine.
After one hour doctor came out. I rushed to her.
I – Doctor how is Priya.
Doctor – Calm down Sir. She is fine. Her right leg is fractured and small wound in forehead. Nothing serious Now she is unconscious due to medicine. She will woke by morning. Don’t worry.
I – Shall I see her doctor.
Doctor – Sir she will be shifted to room now then u can see.
I nodded. She went from there.
Karthik – I said right nothing will happen to her.
I – S. Kavya did u inform to the family.
Kavya – No anna.
I – Don’t say anything now we will inform once Riya get conscious. They will be scared and worry.
Kavya nodded.
Karthik – What about Vijay
He asked worriedly.
I – No he will get panic attack. We will inform him once he come back tomorrow.
Both nodded. After half an hour Riya is shifted to room.
Nurse – Sir you can go and see her but don’t disturb her.
    I nodded and went inside slowly. I saw her lying in hospital bed. Her head and right leg is covered with bandage and trips is connected to her right hand. I slowly went near her and caressed her head. I kissed her forehead.
I – Wake up soon Riya I can’t see you like this.
Karthik and kavya entered the room.
Karthik – Machi nurse said only one person is allowed to stay in night. Kavya can stay
Before he complete I talked
I – No I can’t leave her and go home. I will stay here u guys go home and come morning
Kavya – Anna are u sure u can manage.
I – Kavya ma please I don’t want to leave her. I can manage.
Kavya nodded.
Karthik – Ok first u take dinner and come then we will leave.
I – No da I am not hungry.
Karthik – Atleast eat  little.
I nodded negatively.
Karthik – I can’t win over you. Ok take care of her. Call us once Priya woke. Morning we will come with the things u both need.
I nodded.
Kavya – Anna call if u need anything.
I – Ok u guys go home it’s already late.
After they went I took chair and sat near bed. I hold her left hand and kept looking at her face.
Priya pov
            I opened my eyes the surrounding looks unfamiliar then only I had a flashback of me getting into accident. I felt heavy in my left hand. I looked towards it. Vikram is holding my hand and sleeping by keeping his head in bed. I smiled looking at him. I slowly took my hand from his and caressed his hair. He suddenly woke.
Vikram – Riya u woke. R u feeling pain shall I call doctor.
I – I am ok. Feeling little pain. I want water.
He gave me water and called the doctor. She came and checked.
Doctor – R u ok mam.
I – Yeah but had little pain.
Doctor – Ohh ok I will give pain killer eat after taking food pain will be reduced.
I nodded. Suddenly someone knocked the door Vikram asked to come in. Alex came.
Vikram – Where the hell are you when Priya got accident.
Alex – Sir that I
He shutters. Before he talk further I questioned him.
I – Alex did u find the person who tried to kill Vikram.
Vikram – What?
Vikram looked at me questionly.

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