Chapter 16

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Priya pov
                 It has been 2 weeks Vikram went to US. We didn’t talked much as we both were busy. It was Sunday today Vijay came with his friends. Everyone are going to play cricket. They called me to join in it. We started playing. I was batting 5 runs needed in last over. I hit the 1st ball and it was six. Kids started shouting and dancing around me. They even asked me to dance. I also danced with. Later everyone joined us. I felt some unknown feeling I turned around and found Vikram standing near the tree and watching. I felt shy and run into the sports room. I was breathing heavily. I heard door closing sound. I turned and found Vikram coming near me. I was taking back steps and he was nearing me. I hit the wall and he caged me between the wall. We both we looking into each other eyes. I bit my lower lip due to his close proximity. He looked my lips and then my eyes. He bent down to kiss me I closed my eyes. I felt his hot breath near my lips suddenly we heard some sound from outside. We both came to sense I pushed him little and ran from there. I went outside and joined everyone no one noticed my disappearance. I felt relive and started talking with them. Vikram came after few minutes. Vijay saw him and shouted anna. He ran towards Vikram and hugged him. Everyone went to him and started talking. Vikram saw me frequently while talking with them. I blushed and bent my heads down. Vikram's driver came and gave few bags to him. He took chocolate boxes and gave it to Vijay and told to give it to kids. Anni's came there to take everyone for lunch. They saw Vikram and welcome him. Vikram gave sweet box and handmade biscuits to Sumi anni and said this is for everyone. My father came there.
Dad – Vikram when did u came?
Vikram – now only mama.
Dad – OK why u guys are standing here come inside.
    We all went inside. Vikram was talking with everyone. Amma gave juice to him. I went to kitchen to see whether lunch is ready. Today’s menu is mutton biriyani, fish fry, chicken pallipalayam, mutton kulambu, fish kulambu and rice. Everything was ready. My dad called me I went to Hall. He asked me to take Vikram to my room and give laptop to him as Vikram has some work. I nodded at him and took Vikram to my room which is in 1st floor. Vikram came inside and looked around my room.
Vikram- ur room looks nice.
I – Thanks. I specially made everything with my choice.   
             I went near study table opened my laptop and asked him to use it. He sat and started working. My mom called me so I went down after informing Vikram that he needs anything call me. Kids and gents are eating and ladies are serving them.
I – Amma y u called me?
Amma – U take lunch for Vikram to room and ask him to eat.
I – Ok ma.
   I took lunch for Vikram and I told Amma to serve lunch for driver uncle. I went to room and saw Vikram was working in laptop.
I – I bought lunch for u have it and do ur work.
Vikram – No Riya I will have it after finishing my work.
I signed . I kept the plate in the table and went to wash my hands. I  took biriyani in my hands and kept near his mouth to feed him. He looked the food and then my face. I sighed him by eyes to eat. He ate it and his eyes becomes moist.
I – what happen is the food is spicy.
Vikram – Nothing
Suddenly he hugged me holding my waist. His face is buried in my stomach because he is sitting in chair and I was standing near him. I felt wet in my dress near my stomach. I moved little and hold his face in my hand removed the tears through my left hands.
I – Are u ok.
Vikram – Am ok. I was just  thought about my mother. She used to feed me when I was studying. When u feed me memories of my mother came. I miss my parents.
My eyes became moist.
I – Please don’t cry ur parents don’t like if u cry. They are always with u.
  He nodded.
I – Mr. CEO like a good boy u do ur work I will feed u.
   He smiled little.
Vikram – Did u had ur lunch
I – No 1st u eat. I will have it later.
    I started feeding him.
Vikram – Riya I am full. U go and eat.
I – Ok Have some water. I will go.
   I went down.

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