Chapter 38

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Priya pov
                 Vikram tried to talk with me since he came but I didn’t talk with him. I am angry with him because he too hug that nagini. I believe him but when I saw her hugging my husband it made me angry. How dare she hug my husband. I will teach her lesson one day. I had a doubt that the problem in Institute is because of  her. If I conform it then she will be gone. After Vijay slept I slowly laid him in bed as his head is on my lap. I moved to our room. When I enter the room Suddenly a hand pulled me and pinned me in wall.
I – Vikram what r u doing? leave me
Vikram- No I won’t tell me y u r avoiding me.
I turned my head side
I – I am not
Vikram – Don’t lie baby
I didn't replied.
Vikram – Please Riya look at me and talk.
I – What u want me to talk Mr. CEO.  That stupid Nagini is hugging my husband I want to be quite right. I trust u that doesn’t mean I will look calm when random girl hug u. U r mine get that in ur brain.
I said in angry.
Vikram – It’s Ragini not nagini.
It made me more anger I pushed him little and moved to bed. But he held my wrist and pulled me back.
Vikram – R u feeling jealous baby.
I – No. . No I a…….not jealous.
I Stammered. He smirked and moved his faces near my ear.
Vikram – I like my jealousy wife.
He slowly bit my ear. I moned little.
Vikram – Sorry jaan I don't know she will do like that.
He called me jaan. I looked into his eyes.
Saying that he kept a kit Kats bouquet in my hand. I jumped in happiness.
I – Is this for me.
He nodded. I sat in bed and took one kit Kat and started eating it.
Vikram – Am I forgiven?
I nodded. He smiled and sat near me.
Vikram pov
               I am happy that my Riya forgive me. She even said that she trust me. My baby is jealousy. I like it. I looked at her who is eating kit Kats like a 3 year old baby. I smiled at her.
Priya – Do u want it.
I nodded. She gave a chocolate she is eating. I nodded negatively. She looked me questionlly. I slowly moved my lips to her. I licked the chocolate that applied near her lips. She moned. I moved my lips towards her and started kissing her. She too respond to my kiss. We kissed till we both out of breathe. She pushed me and went inside bathroom. I chuckled at her. If she shy like this for a kiss what she will do when I do more than this. I laid in bed waiting for her. She came and laid by keeping her head in my chest. I hugged her. I told her about Ragini and what she talked today. She just nodded.
I – Jaan As u said I am all urs and u r mine so don't worry.
She kissed my chest and said love you.
I – Love u too.
I kissed her head and both slept hugging each other.

Priya pov
                 It has been 3 weeks I am working in Institute. I got some information from other staffs that for the past 2 years lot of things changed in Institute. Ragini has been behind this. She used to boss everyone here saying that she is going to marry Vikram. She appointed new Principal and dismissed many talented staff for not listening to her. Some staffs are keeping quite because of their family status as they can’t find other job easily if they leave it. She even getting additional fees from students. I got angry knowing about these things. I want to collect proofs against her before informing it to Vikram and others. It is not like they don’t believe me. I want her to get red handed. Currently I am checking the computers in training and placement lab which has been repaired by technicians.  Later they gave me a bill. They billed wrongly.
I – Sir u have repaired 5 computer but u mentioned 15 billed wrongly and it is over price for this work.
Technician – Mam r u new to this Institute.
I – S
Technician – Mam we usually bill like this only. It is order from Ragini mam.
I – But how can u guys do it it is wrong.
Before he reply I heard a voice ‘ who r u to decide which is right and wrong'
I turned to see Ragini standing there angrily.
I – I am incharge for this lab so I can ask if something wrong happen in my lab.
Ragini – U girl what’s ur name ahh Priya right. See it’s none of ur business. I am the one who is decision maker of this Institute so just do what I say or else u will face the consequences.
Saying this she took bill from me and went out with technician. Hereafter I won't allow her to spoil the Institute name. I will inform Vikram about her soon. When I went to out. I saw Karthik anna talking in phone. I went near him.
I – Hi anna
He turned towards me and waved his hands. He ended the call after a minute.
Karthik – Priya I came to meet u only.
I – Anna we can meet in home evening right then y u came here anything serious anna.
Karthik – No ma nothing Serious. I came here because I want to talk with you privately. Also I need ur help.
I nodded.
Karthik – I am in love with Kavya.
He said nervously. I laughed at him. He looked confused.
Karthik – Priya I am not joking I am seriously in love with Kavya.
I stopped laughing.
I – I already know it anna. I saw it in ur eyes. So tell me how will I help u.
Karthik – I planned to propose her tomorrow. I want to know what she likes.
I – Super anna. Ok I will help u with this. Today come home for dinner we will discuss.
Karthik – Thank you thangachi ( sister)
I – Ok anna bye
I turned to go but I slipped. Karthik anna caught me.
Karthik – R u ok ma.
I – Fine anna just slipped. I will be late for class bye.
Karthik – Bye be careful.
I nodded and went to next class.
Ragini pov
             That bitch Priya is involving in my matter. It is not good to keep her in Institute. Like how I dismissed other honest staff I will make her jobless. I saw Priya talking with Karthik. Is she trying to become close to him. If this happen then it will be difficult to end her Chapter. I have to do something soon.

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