Chapter 35

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Vikram pov
                   We reached home around 9:30 at night. Karthik and Vijay waited for us to have dinner. After dinner we settled in living room.
Vijay – Anni Karthik anna showed me the designs. Really Mithra does that.
Priya – Yes Vijay she loves designing.
Vijay – I don’t know that wild cat has this much talent really designs are excellent.
    Vijay and Mithra always do silly fights. But I think something is going in his mind. Will wait and see.
Priya – I want to say something to u guys.
I – What happen Riya is there any problem.
Priya- No no. It’s about the Institute I am going to handle.
Karthik – Do u want any information about it Priya.
Priya – S anna. I want all the details about Institute I will get some knowledge about the things happening there. Also I thought to work as a aptitude and skill development trainer for few months.
     I looked confused at her statement.
Vijay – Anni y u want to work when u R correspondent of that Institute.
Priya – Vijay we still didn’t inform the marriage at public and I also want to know the student point of views. It is possible only if I work there.
I thought for few minutes.
I – Ok Riya as ur wish.
Vijay and Karthik too agreed. We went to our room after out chit chat. We settled in bed after changing into night dress. I kissed her forehead.
I – Sleep dear u must be tired.
Both slept hugging each other. Next day I asked the Principal to send every details of the Institute and gave that to Priya. She started to go through the details. A week passed. Tomorrow is my parents dead anniversary so I came home early to be with Vijay. He went to depression state after their death. Still he is taking medicines. Now it has been reduced after Priya came into our life. Vijay' s friend Aswin is there. He used to come every year to stay with him. I looked at him. He nodded in understanding. We settled for dinner. All started eating.
I – Priya tomorrow is our parents death anniversary so we have to perform rituals.
Priya looked at me worriedly. I just gave painful smile. I notice Vijay he silently ate and went. Priya about to go behind him. I hold her hands and nodded sidewise.
I – Leave him alone sometimes. If u go he will break down.
She nodded worriedly.
Aswin – Anni I will see him u don’t worry.
Saying this Aswin went behind Vijay.
I – U have ur dinner. I want to make a call. Will be back in few minutes.

Priya Pov
               I think Vijay is alright. I can’t able to eat. I kept remaining food in fridge. Suddenly I heard sound from Vijay room. I ran to his room. There Vijay was shouted amma appa open ur eyes don’t leave me. He is having nightmare. Aswin is trying to control him. Vikram too came there. I went to Vijay.
I – Vijay wake up.
I shook him. He slightly opened his eyes. He saw me and hugged me. I rubbed his back slowly.
I – Vijay nothing to worry see I am there. Just relax.
Vijay – Amma don’t leave me. Be with me please.
Aswin gave me tablet. I looked at him questionly.
Aswin – Anni this is his sleeping tablet.
I looked at Vikram he nodded. I took it and made Vijay to have it.
I – I will be with u. U sleep in my lap.
I made him to lay in my lap and said some words to relax him. I looked at Vikram he is on verge of crying. Suddenly he left from there. I looked at Vijay he is tightly holding my hands as I would disappear. I slowly creased his hair. With in few minutes he slept due to tablet effect.
Aswin – Anni u go and check Vikram anna. Vijay will woke morning only. I will be with him.
I – Please be with him. If he woke or u want something call be.
Aswin – Ok Anni.
I went to check on Vikram. He is standing in our bedroom balcony and looking towards sky. I went near him. Sensing my presence He hugged me and started to cry.
Vikram – What mistake we have done. Why God has took our parents from us. I can’t see Vijay like this. He has been suffering from depression and nightmare since their death. He was under treatment but after u came into our life. Slowly he is coming out of it. But today talking about them affected him again. I stayed strong and supressed my sorrows from him. But still I can’t able to cure him. Please be with us Riya. I want Vijay to be happy always.
I – Vikram I promise you that I will be with you guys. Vijay will come out of this. Don’t worry.
I said rubbing his back. After few minutes I made him sleep in my lap. From today’s incident I understand that both may look happy outside but deep inside they are still suffering. I will change their life with full of happiness.
                I woke from sleep with heavy pain in my spinal cord. I saw Vikram is sleeping in my lap. Yesterday incident came into my mind. I don’t know when I slept I slowly creased Vikram hair. Suddenly alarm rang in my phone. I tried to take my phone and OFF it. Before that Vikram woke from his sleep. He realized that he was sleeping in my lap. He stood up immediately.
Vikram – Sorry Riya I slept whole night in ur lap. I think u will have pain. Really sorry.
I cut him by placing my fingers in his mouth.
I – Don’t be sorry. I am ok. Don’t think too much.
I smiled at him. He nodded half heartily. I went to bathroom took bath and came out. I saw Vikram was in deep thought. He is looking dull. I went near him and placed my hand in his shoulder. He turned and looked at me. He nodded like he was ok. Then he went to bathroom. Leaving him alone for sometime will be better. So I went to check on Vijay. Aswin opened the door.
Aswin – Anni u wake him. I will get ready in guest room.
I nodded. He went. I sat near Vijay and slowly rubbed his head. After few minutes he woke. He looked at me.
I – If u want sleep some more time.
Vijay – Can I lay in ur lap anni.
I – Will u ask like this to ur amma Or simply lay in her lap.
He nodded negatively by having tears in his eyes and laid in my lap. I started creasing his hair. He cried.
I – Vijay don’t cry. I know it will be difficult for u to come out of it but u have to try. U know ur amma and appa won’t be happy to u like this.
   He looked at me.
I – They will be happy to see you like this? No right then y r u making them suffer. They  have left this world but they will be around u guys. They will feel happy only when u guys are happy. So try to forgot bad memories. There will be happy memories with them. Here after think that. Slowly u will come out of it.
Vijay – S anni u r right. Amma will feel bad when I cry so here after I try to not cry.
He hugged me. I just rubbed his back.
Vijay – Thank you anni for coming into our life.
I -  Go and get ready. Otherwise we will be late for pooja. He nodded and went. Poojai went well. Vijay changed a bit. I think he will come out of it soon.

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