Chapter 32

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Priya pov
               Vikram and Karthik anna went to study room. Kavya was helping me in preparing dinner. Kavya is looking lost.
I – Kavya what happen?
Kavya – Nothing di. I am fine.
I – No u look confused. What's bothering you?
Kavya – I was confused of something when I am sure about it I will tell u.
I – Ok share with me whenever u want  remember I will be there for u always.
Kavya – Thanks Pri.
We both set the dinning plate. At the same time Vijay and his friends came.
Madan ( Vijay's friend) – Anni what u made for dinner I am so much hungry.
I – Chicken biriyani, chapati, panner butter malasa, pepper chicken and for dessert brownie with ice cream.
Vinay ( Vijay’s friend) – I can’t wait to eat anni.
I –Vijay call Karthik anna and Vikram. They are in study room.
Vijay – Ok anni.
    We all had dinner with teasing and chit chatting. I noticed Karthik anna is looking at kavya frequently. Even kavya is looking at him when he is not looking. Something is happening. Let’s wait until they say. After dinner we all watched movie in home theatre. After movie all went to respective room. I changed into night dress and laid in bed. Vikram took me in his arms. I too hugged him and kept my head in his chest.
Vikram – Riya
I – Hmm
Vikram – I already said u na I was working in a mumbai project.
I – S did they accepted the proposal.
Vikram – I need to attend the meeting next week in Mumbai.
I – Ohh.
I felt sad suddenly. Nowadays I was habitual to Vikram's presence. I don’t know how I will be without him even if it was few days.
Vikram – Riya are u ok.
I – yes
Vikram – Why don’t u go to Tirupur that time. It has been more than one month we came here.
I – Hmm ok.
Vikram kissed my head and hugged me tightly. I too hugged him and slept. Monday Vikram went to office early. I was bored so I went to library and took a story book and started reading. My phone rang. It was Vikram.
I – Hello.
Vikram – Riya r u free?
I – S I was just reading book.
Vikram – Ok can u come to our office now.
I – Me y what happen?
Vikram – U just come I will say.
I – Hmm ok.
Vikram – Driver will pick u. Bye dear see u in office.
I – Bye.
    Why Vikram is calling me to office. With that thought I went to get ready. I went to office with driver. After 30 minutes of driving car enter into a big building. I went to reception.
I – Excuse me I am Priya. I came to meet Vikram.
Receptionist – Do u have any appointment.
I – No. U just say my name to him.
Receptionist – R u a celebrity that he will recognize by saying ur name. Just don’t waste my time.
Ohh God no one knows that I am his wife. His phone is also not reaching how can I see him.
I – Is Karthik sir is here.
Receptionist – What’s ur problem. They are busy u can’t see them without appointment. Just go out.
What’s happening here?
I heard a sound and turned to look at that direction. Karthik anna is standing.
I – Anna
Receptionist – Sir she don’t have any appointment and wants to meet Vikram sir.
Karthik – So u will shout at her ah. Is this a way to talk to visitors.
Receptionist – Sir
Karthik – Do u know who she is. She is my sister. She don’t need any appointment to meet us. Do u get that.
Receptionist  - Yes sir.
She turned to me.
Receptionist – Sorry mam I don’t know who u are.
I – It’s ok. Here after don't talk to visitors rudely.
Receptionist – Ok mam.
Karthik – Priya come let’s go.
He took me to Vikram’s room which is top floor that is 17 th floor. We both entered the room. I saw Vikram, Vijay, Sivakumar appa and Lalitha amma in his room.
Lalitha – Priya ma how are you?
I – I am fine amma.
Sivakumar – We have been waiting for you only. Come and sit.
I went and sat in chair near him.
Vikram – We want u to take hold of few shares in company.
Priya – Whatt? How can I
Vijay – It’s ur rights anni. Now we are just making it legal that’s all.
Priya – But
Sivakumar – No but and if u just sign the agreement.
I looked at Vikram. He blinked his eyes in assurance.
I – Ok.
I signed the papers.
Lalitha – Priya here after u have to take care of RP school and college. It is a dream of Vikram’s mom to educate the children at low cost. We started it 20 years before and after few years we made trust in which most people give donation with that now we are giving scholarship for more than 50℅ of students. Due to health problems me and Sivakumar can’t able to manage it. So we are handling it to you.
I –It’s big responsibility I don’t know how can I manage it.
Vikram – U can do it Priya. If u have any doubt we are there to help u so don’t worry.
I nodded. I am going to take big responsibility.

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