Chapter 49

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Author pov
Police officer – Kill me.
He said with sadness. All looked at him shocked. Vikram and Karthik hugged him. Priya and kavya are confused about the things happening now.
Priya  – Guys tell us what is happening here.
Kavya – S
They broke the hug.
Vikram – This idiot is our childhood friend Arjun. We three will be together always. After completing our school he went somewhere with his grandpa without informing us.
Karthik – Not only this he gave power of his company and home to us which his grandpa taken care after his parents death.
Vikram turned towards Arjun.
Vikram – Where the hell u went without informing us. Do you know we searched you everywhere but can’t find you. Why did you do this?
Arjun – Sorry Machi ( dude) you know right that I want to become police officer like my dad. After becoming police what if someone try to do something with my close circle. My parents were killed by the criminals whom my father arrested. I can’t take it if something happens to both of you. Even I thought to leave my grandpa with you guys but he is adamant with coming me. He wants to spend his last days with me. So only we both went to Mumbai without informing you both.
Karthik – Machi why are you thinking like that whatever happens we will face together. Nothing will happen. Here after you thought stupidly like this then I itself will kill you.
He nodded.
Vikram – Where is grandpa?
Arjun – He died 2 years before due to cancer.
Hearing this everyone’s eyes became moist.
Arjun – Hey don’t make me emotional please.
All nodded. Constable came inside
Constable – Sir here the details you asked.
Arjun – I will check u wait outside.
Karthik – Machi when did u came Chennai.
Arjun – Today morning only I took charge here as ACP. I know hereafter I can’t hide from you. So I thought to meet you guys today before that DIG called me and said to investigate VIP accident case which is very important. I don’t know that you guys will be here. So tell me what happened?
Vikram explained everything.
Arjun – Do u doubt anyone
Vikram – I have but not sure. And one more thing last month someone tried to hack our server system but they can’t succeed in it. May be same person involved in the accident.
Arjun – I will look into it. Hand over the 2 men who is in your custody.
Vikram – I will ask Alex to handover them to you.
Arjun – Can I meet the doctor who has seen the accident.
Vikram – Sure da I will call her.
Vikram asked Diya to come. Karthik introduced Kavya and Priya to Arjun. Arjun went near Priya.
Arjun – Are you ok.
Priya – I am fine anna. Having little pain nothing else.
Arjun – I won’t leave the person who hurt my thangachi( Sister).
Saying this he creased her head. Priya smiled at him. Kavya feed  Priya while Vikram, Karthik and Arjun are Sitting in sofa and talking seriously. After few minutes Diya came inside.
Priya – Arjun anna see Dr.Diya came.
Arjun back is facing Diya. On hearing the names Diya and Arjun turn towards each other and stood Still looking each other. Diya eyes became moist and she is emotionally looking Arjun. Soon Arjun back to his sense.
Arjun – You here.
Diya hide her emotions.
Diya – Yeah I am working here for the past 1.5 years.
Vikram – Do u know each other.
Arjun – Ye..yes she only took care of grandpa in his last stage.
Diya looked at him like ‘that’s all nothing else’ . Priya and kavya seen them and thought there is more than this.
Vikram – Ohh ok ok.
Arjun – Dr. Diya can u co operate with the investigation.
Diya – Sure Ar.. Sir
She stopped saying his name.
Arjun – Ok Vikram I will look into the case. I will come evening
Vikram – Ok da call me if u found any information.
Arjun – Sure
He went near Priya.
Arjun – Priya ma take care I will come evening ok
Priya – Ok anna
Arjun – Bye Kavya ma
Kavya – Bye anna.
He hugged Karthik and Vikram and went out not even looking at Diya. Diya felt hurt.
Diya – Sir I have work will come later.
Saying this she too went.
Vikram – What happen to her. She looks disturb.
Priya – I think there is something between Diya and Arjun anna.
Kavya – I too have doubt
Karthik – How you both are telling.
Kavya – Don’t you look at both when they saw each other their eyes shows different emotions.
Karthik – whatever will see what future holds for them.
Vikram – Riya you take rest I will call Vijay’s friend and ask them to bring him here without informing him.
Priya – Ok
On the other side Diya went to her room and closed it. She sat and ground and started crying.
Diya - Why god why why are you doing this to me. I have been trying to forgot him but I can’t. Now why you bring him back to my life.
While she is crying someone knocked her room. Quickly she wiped her tears and sat on her seat.
Diya – Come in
Nurse – Doctor I have done every work you gave. There is something else or can I go and check ICU patients.
Diya – Ok u go and I am not feeling well don’t disturb me until there is any emergency
Nurse – Ok doctor.

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