Chapter 26

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Vikram pov
                I was sitting in mandap waiting for my Riya to come. The marriage is kept secret only close relatives came. I am impatiently waiting for my girl to come. I didn’t talk to her since yesterday as we both busy. Pandit asked to bring Priya. There she came with a saree I gifted to her with minimal make up. I was stunned by her beauty. I didn't left my eyes from her. She came and sat beside me. Sensing my gaze she blushed looking down. Pandit asked for my parents. Priya holded my hand and gave assurance. I turned and was about to say before that I heard the voice.
Muthu and Devi ( Karthik father and mother) – We are his parents. 
They nodded their head and smiled at me. I got emotional. I looked at Karthik.
Karthik – Idiot don’t look me like that they may be ur parents but I am always in my sisters side only.
He said to lighten the situation and went near Priya. I chuckled at him. They share a great bond.
Kavya – Anna don’t worry when ur sister is here.
She came and side hugged me. I nodded at her. Pandit started saying mantras. After few minutes he asked me to tie thali ( mangalsutra) . While tying it I looked at her there are many emotions in her eyes. I assured her through my eyes. Her eyes soften and smiled little. I promise u Riya that I will take care of u till the end of my life. I said to myself. After marriage we went to both our kuladeivam temple and went to my home.
We had our lunch and  again they started some rituals.
Priya pov
               We are currently siting in Vikram's house after rituals. It was late evening my family started to leave.
Mom – Priya we are leaving now latha and pavi will be here. U guys come to our home tomorrow for maruveedu ( the married couple go for girls home first time after marriage and stay there for one day).
I nodded and hugged her. They all left bidding bye. I got emotional. I felt a hand entwined with mine. I looked it and found Vikram is holding. I just relaxed with his gesture. Later grandma called us for dinner. I was not in mood to eat I was just playing with food.
Vikram – Riya eat. U didn't had ur breakfast and lunch properly. Atleast eat now.
Latha anni – S Pri eat well.
I nodded and started to eat. After dinner Devi aunty called latha anni and pavi anni and said something. They smiled and nodded to her. What they are talking. I was thinking. They both came and took me aside.
I – Anni y u took me here.
Latha anni – Listen carefully today is ur wedding night.
I got nervous suddenly. Ohh god how I forgot about this.
Pavi anni – Don’t be nervous. Talk with Vikram what u feel ok. And remember don’t reject him. I didn’t said to afraid u. Just respect his feelings also.
I nodded. They both took me to Vikram's room.
Latha anni – Here take this milk and go Vikram is waiting for you. 
I took it.
Pavi anni – We want  every details tomorrow.
I blushed at her statement. They both laughed at me and lightly pushed me inside. I locked the door and turned. The room is decorated. I looked at Vikram. He is sitting at bed with his mobile in his hand and looking at me. I was too nervous to look at him so I bend my head down.
Vikram – Riya y r u standing there come and sit here.
I slowly went near him. I kept milk in near by stool and sat in bed. He moved near me and took my hands and hold it. I shivered to his touch.
Vikram – Don’t be nervous. I know our marriage happens quickly and still we are getting to know each other so we will take the things slowly. We will start our life once we both are ready.
I – Thanks for understanding.
Ohh god Vikram y r U this much caring and understanding. I am sure I will fall for U soon.
Vikram – No need. Did I said U that U r looking gorgeous today.
I – U too look handsome in vesti shirt.
Vikram – Thanks for ur compliment darling.
I blushed. He chuckled.
Vikram – U get fresh up and change ur dress. It may be heavy.
I – S I can’t sleep in this dress.
He gave me a towel. I went inside washroom. I freshen up and came out. Vikram was using his phone. I sat in front of dressing table and started to remove my jewels. After removing other jewels I tried to remove my necklace but it was struck in my hair. I was trying hard to remove it. Suddenly I felt a hand I looked through mirror. Vikram is standing behind me I don't know when he came. I removed my hands from necklace. He slowly started to remove it. His hands brushed with my skin sending shivering to my body. After removing necklace he bend down and kissed my neck slowly. I clutched my dress tightly. After giving few kisses he made me stand and kissed my forehead.
Vikram – U change the dress in closet. I will freshen up and come.
Saying this he went inside bathroom. I blushed thinking his touch. Then I went to change my dress.

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