Chapter 54

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Priya pov
                 I woke up at 7 Vikram is not beside me may be he went to workout. Suddenly i felt like vomiting i rushed to bathroom and voimted. I washed and sat in bed wiping my face. I felt dizziness too. I looked at date and it strikes that I didn’t get periods this month. Am I pregnant? I want to conform before saying this to Vikram. I smiled
Vikram – What makes my darling to smile
Vikram came and sat beside me.
I – nothing
Vikram – you were thinking about me right
I hugged him. Vikram hugged me tightly and kissed my head. We stayed like that till Vikram phone rang. I took bath and went down to prepare breakfast. Kavya is already in kitchen making chutney. Due to oil frying smell I felt uneasy and again voimted in wash basin.
Kavya – Priya what happen? Are you okay
I nodded and sat in chair. Kavya gave me water.
Kavya – Are you not feeling well. Wait I will call Vikram anna
I – No no wait. I am ok. Morning also I voimted and felt dizziness. Also I missed my periods this month.
Kavya – That means you are pregnant?
She asked with smile.
I – I too think so. First I have to conform with doctor before saying to Vikram.
Kavya – Ok we shall go to hospital where Diya is working and will take test.
I nodded. By seeing Diya we can change her mood from yesterday incident.
Kavya – U sit here I will bring juice
Soon Vikram and Vijay came for breakfast.
I – Vikram today Kavya and I are going to hospital to meet Diya.
Vikram – What happen are you not feeling well
I – I am fine just going to meet Diya yesterday fully she cried so just checking her
Vikram – Yes u guys go.
Kavya – Anna I will come afternoon to office.
Vikram – No need ma take full day leave not much work in office
Kavya – Ok anna
After breakfast we went to hospital. When we enter Diya cabin she is shouting at the person in the phone.
Diya – See if u call again I will complaint to police you Rascal
Saying this she cut the call.
Diya – See you very soon ah idiot if you come infront of me I will kill you.
She is talking to herself. We both entered and sat in chair
Kavya – Why are you shouting like this? Who is on the call
Diya – That
I – Diya what happen you look tension for the past few days any problem
Diya – S For the past few months someone is calling me and saying that he loves me. If I block still he is texting from different numbers. Some time he is threatening me to love him.
I – Why did you hide this from us.
Diya – First I thought it’s some crack doing this for time pass but I got to know he is ruthless businessman. I tried to say this to Arjun but he didn’t talk to me.
Kavya – Yesterday also you tried to say this only ah
Diya nodded.
I – you should have said this to Vikram and Karthik Anna. Atleast you told us means we have done something.
Diya – Sorry
I – Leave it. Now what he said
Diya – He said that he is going to meet me and going to marry me very soon.
Kavya – What is his name
Diya – Mahesh Kumar, MK group of companies CEO
Kavya – What? He is not a good person. He can go to any extent if he want something
I – If he say he is going to meet you soon means he is planning something. We have to do stop him before he do something. Today evening we will say this to Vikram and Karthik Anna. They will decide what to do.
Kavya – Yes Priya is right. Don’t worry we will be with you.
Diya nodded.
Diya – Talking about my problem I forgot to ask why you guys suddenly came to hospital.
I said about my doubt.
Diya – wait I will ask gynaecologist appointment.
She called someone and talk few minutes.
Diya – Gynaecologist is in operation theatre so I will ask nurse to take test after that we can meet that doctor.
We are waiting for result and Diya is attending the patient. When results came we went to Diya cabin.
Diya – Congratulations Priya you are 5 weeks pregnant.
I shed happy tears. Kavya hugged me.
Kavya – I am going to become Athai ( aunt)
Diya – Me too. I am so happy for you.
Diya too hugged me.
Kavya – Let’s celebrate this. First call Vikram anna and say.
I – No I will surprise him today evening with some gifts.
Both teased me. Later we three went to mall. We had lunch and purchased few things. After purchase Diya and I went to restroom while Kavya went to car to place shopping bags. I was washing my hands when something came infront of my nose. Then everything is black out.

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