Chapter 8

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Priya pov
      I felt some unknown feeling when he mention it is our hotel. I was looking into the interior our hands brushed lightly. He then hold my hands. I was getting affected by his touch. I can sense that he is looking me but I didn’t dare to look at him. I was blushing and looking everywhere but not in his direction. He showed me kitchen, swimming pool, garden, gym, spa. He also explained about hotel that it has 7 floors and how they are maintaining everything. I was lost in his voice. I didn’t realize that he took me to his office room. It has a bedroom with attach bathroom and wardrobe. He took me to the bedroom. I was feeling nervous to go inside.
Vikram – I want to change into formals for meeting I don’t want to leave you alone so  only I took u here. U just relax here I will change and come. U know u can trust me.
I  nodded and enter into the room and settled in the couch. He went inside the bathroom. I was looking around the room. I heard the opening sound of door. I turned there he is standing in his formals. I don’t know how he looks handsome and hot in both casual and formal dress. I was starting at him.
Vikram – am I looking handsome dear.
I turned my eyes away from him .
I – who said that u are handsome.
Vikram -  ohh really. I didn’t look handsome.
I nodded negatively. He smirked and started moving towards me. I was moving back. I hit the wall. I started to move aside but he kept his hands either side of the wall to block me. I was caged between Vikram and wall. I can’t able to handle this close proximity. He is coming near me. I closed my eyes. He came near my ears and asked me how he is looking. I blurted out u r looking handsome. I can feel that he is smiling near my ears. He said to open my eyes. I nodded negatively.
Vikram – Please dear open ur eyes
I slowly opened my eyes. He was looking into my eyes. He took my hand and kissed lightly. I looked down blushing.
Vikram – I like when u blush.
I didn’t speak anything I was blushing more.
Vikram – ur cheeks are red as tomato.
I can’t take it . I slightly pushed him and came to couch and sat there. God what’s happening to me. My phone started ringing. I took it and saw it was kiran. I attend it
Kiran – baby where r u?
I – we r in his hotel came for lunch
Kiran – ohhhh ok ok . Deeps finished her exam. We r going to start from here.
I – Ok u guys come to bus stand. We will come directly there.
Kiran – ok baby see u there. Bye
I – bye.
I ended the call. I turned to see him he is combing his hair in front of mirror.
I – kiran called he said that they have started from exam center.
Vikram – ohh ok wait a minute I will get ready and we can leave. If u want u can fresh up.
I – No I am ok with this.
Vikram – U know what I like ur simplicity.
I smiled to his comment. He got ready. We started to bus stand. He was looking me frequently.
I – concentrate on driving
Vikram – I am concentrating on driving also madam.
I – That will be nice
We both smiled.
Vikram – I will ask my driver to drop u guys to home.
I – Thanks. But no need of it we can go by bus. We enjoy travelling in bus. So only we came by bus.
Vikram – As u wish.
We reached bus stop.  I removed  seat belt and turned to open the door.
Vikram – Riya
I saw him in confusion
Vikram -  Shall I call u as riya.
I – yeah u can. U r the 1st one to call me riya.
He smiled at me and he put his left hand in the seat near my head and lean forward. Is he going to kiss me. am I ready for this. I moved backward. I felt his intense gaze on me. He moved his hand to backseat and took a parcel which is wrapped with blue colour. He gave it to me. I looked him
Vikram – This is the 1st gift from me so please take this.
I nodded and took that from him. I got down from car and looked around to find my friends. Vikram came near me and gave a card.
Vikram – This is my personal number u can call me whenever u want.
I nodded and took it from him. Someone tapped my shoulder I turned and saw my friends are standing there with teasing smile. They talked with Vikram and we bid bye to him and went inside bus.

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