Chapter 23

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Priya pov
                 I don’t know when I slept at night. Morning Vikram woke me. After fresh up Vikram gave me coffee and biscuit. While having it Deeps called me.
I – Hello
Deeps – Pri where are u. Now only I woke U still didn’t came so I was worried.
I – Cool down deeps. I am with Vikram only in his room.
Deeps – ohhhh u guys are romancing here I am worrying about you
I blushed lightly.
I – Nothing like that idiot. I will be there in 5 minutes.
Deeps – No need u finish ur romance and come.
I – Shut up and cut the phone u stupid.
I looked at Vikram he is smiling at me I informed him and went to my room
Deeps – Romance over ah.
I took the pillow and throw into her face.
I – Nothing like that. He just taught me the subject. Now stop ur non sense and read.
We finished our exam at 1 and came out happily. We saw Vikram and Pavitran is standing together. Deeps was shocked to see him. We went near them.
Deeps – U here
Pavitran – S it’s Surprise.
Vikram – Deeps I think u have more surprise.
I looked at him confused
Deeps -What anna?
Vikram – He will say.
He said pointing at Pavitran.
Pavitran – Today my parents went to ur home with our marriage proposal
Deeps – Whattt?  She shouted.
Pavitran – Don’t shout u only said after exam ur parents are decided to look a proposal for u. So only I informed my parents about us. They are happy with this so they went to ur home.
Deeps – I don't know how I will face my parents now.
She started worrying.
Pavitran – Ur parents also happy with this proposal.
Deeps closed her mouth with her hands and said really
Pavitran – Yes dear all are ok with our relation
Deeps started jumping in happiness and she hugged pavitran.
Deeps – Love u so much
Pavitran – Love u too baby.
Vikram looked at me. I blushed at his gaze.
I – Guys enough we r in public. Control guys control
They broke the hug.
Deeps hugged me.
Deeps – I am so happy Pri.
I – I am happy for u too dear.
Vikram – Congrats both of u have a wonderful life.
Deeps & Pavitran – Thank u so much.
Pavitran – Deeps we have to go everyone are waiting for us in ur home.
Deeps -Ok we can take my things in hotel before we start to home.
Pavitran – Ok .
I – Ok guys bye deeps call me  later.
Deeps – Sure machi(dude) bye.
They bid bye and went. 
Vikram – If u r ok can we go for a date today.
I – Sure first will have lunch and then I have to fresh up.
Vikram – Ok darling shall we go.
We both started to our hotel.

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