Chapter 30

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Priya pov
                Vikram and Karthik Anna went for office after breakfast. Vijay went to his room to attend 2 hour online seminar. I was now arranging my dress in wardrobe from suitcase. I got a call from my family I talked with them for almost one hour as well as I finished arranging the dress. Vikram has bought lot of dresses for me. There were sarees, salwar, jeans, tops, party wear, western dress even he bought footwear and cosmetics. I don’t know how much time he spend to buy all those things. I went down mala aunty introduced other maids. There were totally 10 maids.
Mala aunty – Priya ma today I want to make special lunch for u.
I – Ok aunty as u wish.
Vijay – Anni anni…
Vijay shouted and came running towards us.
I – What happen? Y r u shouting.
Vijay – Nothing anni. Seminar got over. I thought u will be bored so came fast.
  I gave r u serious look.
Mala aunty – Still u behave like a child sometime Vijay kanna.
He pouted. We laughed at him.
Vijay – Anni come let me give a tour to this home.
I – Ok lets go.
       There were 4 rooms in ground floor right to living room is Vikram’s parents room. Their room is quite large. Their photo is  hanging in the wall. Still it is maintained well. The another room belongs to grandma. Third room is karthik anna's and last room is guest room. It also has study room with library. Then he took me to garden area. There were lots of flowers plants with different colors. Few tress also there. When he took me to car garage I was shocked. There were almost 20 to 25 cars.
I – Is this a car garage or showroom.
Vijay chuckled.
I – O my god BMW, Mercedes Benz, Porsches, Audi and many more top brand cars. You guys have this much cars.
Vijay – Anni this is ours.
I smiled at him.
I – U know what I dreamt of driving Porsches atleast once in my life.
Vijay – U can drive it until u got bored of it.
I chuckled.
I – Ok come show me the other floors in home.
      He then took me to his room in 1 St floor.  It is similar to Vikram room. Then there were 4 more guest room , mini home theater  and gym. Lastly he took me to terrace. It has sit out area. What caught my attention is wooden swing. It looks beautiful. I went near it and traced my fingers in it.
Vijay – Anna only bought this last week. U know what Anni he went to more than 10 shop to select this.
I – Really.
I was surprised.
Vijay – S Anni. Did u went to ur room balcony.
I – No. Night I was tired so didn’t open the balcony door. Today also I didn’t get time to go there. Y r asking it?
Vijay – Anna bought metal double seated swing and placed it in balcony.
   I ran to our room. I went and opened the balcony door. The blue colour swing was placed at left corner and right side beans bags were placed.
Vijay – Did u like it Anni?
I – What like.I loved it.

Vikram pov
              After finishing my work I came to home. I didn’t see Priya in living room. So I went to our room. There Priya and Vijay is talking something in balcony. I saw so much happiness in Priya's eyes.
I – What’s going on?
They turned and looked at me.
Vijay – Anna when u came?
I -Just now.
Vijay – Anna I was gave a tour to our hone to Anni.
I – That’s good I thought to show her but u itself done it ah
Vijay – S anna. Anni loved the swings u bought.
I looked at her. She smiled in happiness.
Vijay – Ok anna u guys fresh up and come for lunch. I will be waiting in living room.
Saying this he went.
Priya – Did u really went to more than 10 shop to buy swing.
I rubbed my neck.
I – Yeah. I thought to buy a best for u.
Priya – Thank you.
I – But I don’t want thank you in words I want u to thank me like u did before.
I said to her pointing to my cheeks. She blushed.
Priya – Close ur eyes.
I closed my eyes. I can sense that she is coming near me. She kissed my cheeks and ran out saying thank you Mr. CEO. I chuckled at her shyness. I fresh up and went down. We started having our lunch.
I – Priya tomorrow after breakfast we are going to Sivakumar uncle's home.
   I told her about him and How he supported me at my hard time.
Priya – I would love to see them.
Vijay – Anni I want to eat chocolate chip cookies made by u.
Priya – Ok but I want to go shopping for buying ingredients.
I – Riya just list out the things I will ask someone to buy it.
Priya – No I want to buy myself for my satisfaction.
I – Ok after lunch we three will go for shopping.
  I took her for shopping and evening she and Vijay started to make various cookies. I was working in laptop by seeing them. They bonded well. Nowadays I am seeing Vijay’s old nature which I missed after the death of our parents. I want this happiness in our life forever.

Priya pov
                 We are on the way to Sivakumar uncle’s house. Vikram said about him. He is really a great supporter for Vikram. We enter his house.
Sivakumar – Vikram u guys came. Come come.
He welcomed us.
Sivakumar- Lalitha what are u doing come fast they came.
Lalitha – I was here only.
Saying this aunty came. We went near them and took blessing.
Sivakumar & Lalitha – May God bless you both.
I – Thank you amma.
I called her as amma. Vikram is calling them as athai and mama. So I thought to call them as amma appa ( mom and dad)
Lalitha – What did u say.
Both has tears in their eyes.
I – Sorry I you don’t like me calling as amma I
Before I could complete my sentence.
Lalitha – U know how long we wait for someone to call us amma and appa.
Sivakumar – We don’t have child but we treat Vikram and Vijay as our sons they also see us like that but from start they call us mama and athai.
  They hugged me and cried. I felt tears in my eyes. We broke the hug.
I – Amma appa If u guys cry like this then how u are going to tolerate me life long.
They chuckled at my comment.
I – Here I made cookies for u both. Don’t worry appa it is sugar free specially made for u.
Sivakumar – Thank you so much kanna.
Lalitha – Come
We spend whole day there and came to our home after dinner. I changed into night dress and settled in bed. Vikram came after changing.
Vikram – Thank you so much Priya.
I – For what?
Vikram – For bringing smile in Sivakumar mama and Lalitha athai face. They suffered lot.
I – Don’t say thanks for this. They are like my parents. I am happy in calling them as amma appa.
He nodded.
I – Good night Sleep well tomorrow u have office.
Vikram – Yeah good night.
     Time flew fast it has been 15 days I came to Chennai. Karthik anna and Vijay's friend often came here. We all had a great time. Kavya also came twice in weekend and we went for shopping also. Now I am keeping the ironed clothes in closet. After arranging them I came out. Suddenly I felt pain in stomach. I went to bathroom I got my periods. I took bath and came out. Thank god my amma kept a pack of sanitary pad in my back while packing in Tirupur. I informed mala aunty and asked her to make dinner as I was feeling pain. Then I came to room and laid in bed.

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