Chapter 40

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Kavya pov
                  Karthik came at right time and saved me. If he didn’t come I can’t imagine what would happen. Priya helped me to change my clothes and treated my wound in forehead as it is small only. I sat in bed keeping my back in head rest. Karthik came after changing his dress. He is looking at me worried.
Priya – Anna be here anna. I will bring soup for her.
He nodded. Priya went out. I just looked down and Clutching my hands. He sat near me and hold my hands.
Karthik – Kavya I know it’s difficult for u to forgot it. But u have to. Don’t think about that bastard. We are here with u.
Priya came with soup.
Priya – Anna u go and eat I will feed her.
Karthik – No ma I am not feeling hungry.
Priya – Anna at least eat little it is not good to sleep in empty stomach.
He nodded and went.
Author pov
              No one is in mode to eat but on Priya insist they had little food. After eating Karthik went to Kavya room
Priya – Kavya finish this soup. See u had little only. Please have it.
Kavya – No Priya I don't want.
Karthik – Priya give it to me I will feed her. U go and eat.
Priya nodded and went out after giving soup bowl to Karthik. He sat near Kavya.
Karthik – Finish this.
Kavya nodded negatively.
Karthik – look at me.
She looked into his eyes. He started feeding her. She finished it without knowing what’s happening.
Karthik – That’s all.
Kavya – Ahh.
Karthik pointed bowl and said u finished the soup.
Karthik start to get up. Kavya held his hand. He looked at her questionly.
Kavya – Be with me.
Karthik – Ok I will be with u till u sleep.
Kavya – No I want u to be with me till my last breath.
Karthik looked at her emotionally. He held her hand.
Karthik – I will. I promise u that I will be with you in ur happiness and hard time. I won't leave u at any cost.
She leaned into his shoulder and closed his eyes. He too closed his eyes and kept his head at her head. Priya came and saw them. She smiled little and went out closing the door.
Vikram – why u left kavya be with her.
Priya – No Vikram. Karthik anna will take care of her. She needs him right now. Let’s go to sleep. Will see her morning.
Vikram nodded understanding. At morning Kavya woke up with little headache. She looked up and realized that she was sleep in Karthik lap. He is sleeping in siting position. Kavya felt bad for him. She slowly got up and went to freshen up. When she is at bathroom Karthik woke up and  got afraid when he didn't found Kavya. Suddenly bathroom door opened and kavya came out he felt relaxed. Both came out and saw Priya and Vikram having their coffee. Vikram came near them
Vikram – Kavya ma how r u feeling da is it still paining ah
He asked pointing at the wound in her forehead.
Kavya – No anna I am fine.
        He made her to sit beside him. Priya gave coffee to Karthik and kavya. By seeing Vikram's care for kavya Priya felt happy. Alex and jax came there.
Alex and Jax – Good morning Sir
By seeing Jax Vikram got angry and shouted at him
Vikram – What the hell are u doing. What’s ur work. Tell me.
Jax – Si… sir. U appointed me as a bodyguard for Kavya mam.
Kavya was shocked.
Karthik – Vikram calm down.
Jax – Sorry sir I am protecting her everywhere. Kavya mam is inside office I thought she will be safe there. I didn’t expect this sir.
Jax went near kavya.
Jax – Sorry mam I am little care less in this. But hereafter I will be more careful
Kavya – R u my bodyguard.
Jax – S mam I am appointed as ur bodyguard after Vikram sir marriage. I am guarding u everywhere without ur knowledge.
Kavya – What’s this anna
Vikram – S ma he is ur bodyguard and Alex is Priya bodyguard. Everyone has bodyguard. There are many rivals around us. I know no one knows about my marriage but I don’t want to take any risk.
Kavya nodded understanding. Vikram turned towards Jax and alex
Vikram – Where is that bastard?
Kavya shivered little. Karthik noticed it he side hugged her.
Alex – In our place sir. Like Karthik sir said we didn’t gave him food and water also kept him in dark room.
Vikram - I have informed commissioner they will take him evening before that I want to see him.
He said in angry filled tone.
Alex – S sir.
Vikram – Buy the shares of his company. Now u both can leave.
After they left Vikram went near Kavya.
Vikram – Kavya here after u work in our company and u will be staying here . If u want u can work under Karthik.
Kavya nodded. After breakfast Vikram and Karthik went to deal with that bastard. Full day kavya was sad. To lit her mode Karthik planed surprise small dinner date in Vikram home terrace. Even Karthik proposed her. She forgot that incident in Karthik proposal.

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