Chapter 6

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Priya pov
     Today is my bank exam. I got ready in red kurti and white leggings and waiting for my friends in bus stop. Both kiran and deepa arrived. We got into the bus. I was sitting in between my friends. I started to talk.
I – guys I want to say one thing
Deepa – yeah say
Kiran – say baby.
Kiran used to call me baby as we both are Actor Vijay fans( Theri  baby😜)
I – I am going to get marry.
Whattt? both shouted at sametime.
I said everything to them.
Deepa – what is his name?
I – Vikram Ramprasant
Kiran – u mean CEO of RP group of company
I – S how do you know?
They both looked me like I came from other planet.
I – y r u guys looking me like that.
Kiran – u don’t know that company
I nodded negatively.
Deepa – r u serious oh god Pri he is the top most businessman in India. He is most eligible bachelor in India also the dream boy for most of the girls. U r saying that u don’t know about him.
   I was shocked. Top most businessman of India agreed to marry a girl like me. I was confused whether he agreed to marry me happily or forced one. I thought to ask him about this as soon as possible. We started to talk random things as it will take 2 ½ hours to reach exam center in between we have to change a bus also. We reach the center. My exam is at morning slot while Deepa’s is afternoon slot. I went inside while kiran and deepa sat outside under the tree. I was doing my exam but my mind revolves around how he agreed to marry me. With that thought I came outside the exam hall after finishing the exam. Suddenly someone shouted near my ears. I was jerked and turned to see Kiran who is laughing at my reaction. I glared at him and started to walk. He side hugged me and said sorry I called u but u where lost in someone’s thought so only I shouted. He stretched the word someone. I blushed at his comment and said nothing like that. He teased me. I felt someone gaze on me I turned to see and there I saw same chocolate brown eyes which I was longed to see. He is wearing white t shirt blue jeans. I stopped there and looking at him. Kiran saw me and turned to the direction where I am seeing. He saw Vikram and smiled to him. He dragged me to Vikram. I saw Vikram his face shows mixed emotions like sad and hurt. I don’t know what it is.
Vikram – Hi.
I – Hi. Did u came here for work
Vikram – I came to see you
I – ohh
I don’t know how to react .
Kiran – hi I am Kiran her friend
I – He is not only my friend he is My brother.
   I saw his eyes beams with happiness. Deeps came shouting  Pri ur dad is on the line talk to him. I excused and went to talk with my dad. He called to ask me whether I met Vikram. I answered him and cut the call and turned. I saw my friend talking with him. His eyes were seeing me often. I went near them.
Deepa – ok guys I am leaving my exam is going to start.
  Saying that she went.
Kiran -  u guys enjoy ur time. I will wait here till deeps come. Evening we will meet in bus stand.
Vikram – no y r u waiting here alone we three go for lunch and then we can pick her after exam.
  I was impressed with his behavior towards my friends. I smiled and ask Kiran to accompany with us. He politely refused saying that he has  conference call meeting. We bid bye to Kiran and we started.

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