Chapter 56

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Author pov
                One lady bought Diya inside a room where Mahesh  is  doing marriage rituals said by pandit. Diya is wearing saree and jewel. Her face held no emotion. They lady dragged Diya and made her to sit beside Mahesh. Diya saw Priya is sitting in chair her hand and legs are tied.
Priya – Diya don’t do this. He can’t do anything.
Diya nodded negatively. Priya is trying to free herself but she can’t. She looked at Diya helplessly with teary eyes.
Mahesh – How much time you take give the thalli ( mangalsutra) quickly.
He shouted at Pandit. Pandit gave thalli to Mahesh. He held it and smiled wickedly towards Priya.
Priya – You idiot leave her. Diya get up and go from here.
Mahesh signalled his men. One man went towards Priya and slapped her.
Diya – Please leave her I agreed to marry you right then why are you doing this.
She pleaded with Mahesh. He signalled his man to stop. He then turned to tie thalli. Suddenly one of his men standing outside the room fell down inside while shouting. All turn towards the direction. There Vikram and Arjun standing with anger filled eyes. Soon Vikram body guards and some police men came. They started fighting with Mahesh side mens. Vikram went towards Priya and untied her. She hugged him. Meanwhile Mahesh tried to tie thalli to Diya before that Arjun snatched it and tied around her neck. All looked at him shockingly. Mahesh tried to beat Arjun. Both started fighting. Diya is not in condition to think anything she is standing like statue. Priya went towards her and hugged. Vikram also fighting with other men. Police arrested everyone and Arjun dragged Mahesh towards inspector.
Arjun – Take him to our custody I will come and handle him.
Arjun came where Vikram, Priya and Diya are standing. He looked at Diya and turned towards Priya
Arjun – Priya ma are you ok.
Priya nodded. Meanwhile Mahesh took inspector gun and fired towards Arjun. Diya saw it and pushed him but bullet shot Diya’s left shoulder. It all happened in fraction of second. Diya collapsed in ground. Arjun and Priya hold her. Inspector pulled gun from Mahesh. Vikram went towards him and started punching.
Arjun – Diya why did you do this .
Priya -Anna let’s take her to hospital.
He nodded and took Diya in his hand.
Priya – Vikram stop we have to take Diya to hospital.
Hearing this Vikram gave Mahesh to inspector and went to take car. Arjun placed Diya in back seat and he kept her head in his lap. Priya placed her shawl to stop the blood. Diya is crying in pain. Vikram driving the car fastly. Diya slowly closed her eyes.
Arjun – Diya Diya open your eyes. Diya please open your eyes.
He patted her cheeks slowly. Tears flowed from his eyes.
Arjun – Vikram go fast. She is not opening her eyes.
Vikram – Almost we reached.
Within a minute they reached hospital. They took Diya towards operation theatre. Doctor came after few minutes.
Arjun – Doctor how is she.
Doctor – We can’t say anything now sir. She lost so much blood we need to operate immediately to remove the bullet.
Arjun – Do what ever you want don’t think of money I just want her back safely.
Doctor – We will try our best sir. Hope everything goes fine.
Saying this he went.
Arjun – Why everytime happening to me like this.
Vikram hugged him. Arjun cried.
Vikram – Nothing will happen to her. She will be recover soon.
Karthik and Kavya came.
Kavya – Priya
Priya turned towards them. She hugged Kavya. Both cried.
Kavya – How are you. Did you got hurt anywhere. How is Diya
Priya – I am fine nothing happen to me. But Diya is shot she is in operation theatre.
Karthik went towards Arjun and hugged him.
Karthik – Don’t worry she will be fine.
Arjun nodded. Vijay also came. After 2 hours doctor came out. Arjun looked at him hopefully.
Doctor – Don’t worry operation is successful. She is fine now. Bullet didn’t went deep. We will shift her to ICU it will take 48 hours for her to open her eyes.
Arjun – Thank you so much doctor.
Doctor – it’s my duty.
Saying this he went. Arjun hugged Vikram and Karthik. Priya is feeling weak and her head is spinning. She hold Vijay’s hand who is standing near her.
Vijay – Anni what happen.
Priya – Nothing I am feeling tired.
Saying this she fainted. Vijay held her.
Vijay – Anni open your eyes Anni anni
He shouted. All turn towards Vijay. Vikram ran towards Priya.
Vikram – What happen to her.
Vijay – Don’t know anna. Anni said She is feeling tired and suddenly she fainted.
Karthik called doctor. They check Priya and came out.
Vikram – Doctor what happen to her
Doctor – Nothing sir she is weak. Due to stress she fainted. Now she opened her eyes. This is normal during this time and  Baby is also fine.
Vikram – Baby
He asked shockingly.
Doctor – S she is pregnant right so you should take care of her.
Before he reply. Kavya said.
Kavya – Thank you so much doctor we will take care of her.
Doctor went. Vikram looked at her.
Kavya – Anna morning only we got to know she is pregnant. Priya thought to surprise you tonight but so much things happened.
Vikram went inside the room. He saw Priya sitting in bed. He went towards her and hugged. Tears flowed from their eyes.
Vikram – I am going to be father.
Priya chuckled
Priya – S You are going to be father.
Vikram broke the hug. He kissed her forehead.
Vikram – Thank you so much.
Priya smiled. Soon everyone came inside. All congratulate them. Kavya gave juice to Priya. She drank slowly.
Kavya – It’s 8 at night everyone go home I will be with Diya.
Arjun – No I will stay here you guys go.
Kavya – But anna you are tired you need rest and see your dress is also full of blood. You go take rest and come morning I will be here.
Arjun – please Kavya ma I will stay here. I am fine and I don’t want to leave her.
Kavya finally agreed.
Kavya – Ok anna I will send food and dress for you. You fresh up and eat. Don’t skip the food.
Arjun nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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