Chapter 46

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Vikram pov
                Yesterday night we came back from Greece. We both had good time there. At the reception night someone tried to hack our server system but they couldn’t do it because we have highly secure programs. I got to know about it when we reach Greece. I didn’t said this to Priya. I don’t want to involve her in this type of problems. I told my PA to find who it is. Without involvement of employee in our company they can’t do it. If they succeed in hacking then important project details will be leaked.  When I entered the office everyone wished me. I just nodded at them and went to my cabin. I called my PA. He came inside.
PA – Good morning sir.
I – Did u find the person.
PA – No sir we are trying to find that person.
I – What the hell are you telling. It has been 2  damn weeks still u guys can’t find.
I shouted at him. He got scared.
PA – Sorry sir. We will find it soon sir.
Suddenly my phone rang. By seeing the caller ID my angry was all gone and I smiled looking it. I looked at PA he is looking at me weird.
I – Find as soon as possible. Now u may go.
I said coldly. He nodded and went out. I attended the call.
Priya – Mr  CEO why didn’t  u wake me.
I – Darling u were sleeping tiredly due to travel I don’t want to disturb u so only I didn’t woke u.
She didn’t talk. I think she is pouting.
I – If u pout then I want to kiss you.
Priya – What? How do u know I am pouting.
I – I know you darling. First say me did u had ur breakfast.
Priya –  Now only I woke immediately I called you. Did u ate.
I – I had . Ok now go and eat.
Priya – Bye.
I – bye Riya.
      After ending call in engrossed in my work. Karthik and kavya went to Coimbatore for meeting. After Kavya joined here Karthik load has been reduced. There are lot of people to work but we can’t trust everyone in particular work and to make decisions. I had back to back meetings since I took long leave. After finishing it looked at time Its almost 9. I reached home no one is in hall I was going towards our room I heard laughing sound from Vijay’s room. There I saw Riya is feeding Vijay his dinner and he is doing something in laptop. Both were talking and laughing in between. Seeing them I felt happy.
Vikram – Why u always making my wife to feed u?
They both looked at me.
Vijay – What’s ur problem when my anni feed me. She will feed me if I become old also. Right anni?
Priya – S
I – whatever
Vijay – Anni I am full. U both eat and go to sleep.
Priya – Ok sleep early don’t wake till late night.
Vijay – Ok anni. Good night anna
I went near him and patted his shoulder.
I – Good  night sleep early.
He nodded. After dinner we settled in bed. Riya was lying her head in my chest and sleeping. I was caressing her head. I don’t know why I had a feeling that something is going to happen. I can’t let anything happen to my family. I have to tight the security for everyone. After 2 days we found the employee who helped for hacking. He did it for money he don’t know anything about that person. They communicated through phone which is bought by duplicate documents. Karthik and me have a doubt on Mahesh Kumar, owner of  MK group of company. He only do such cheap things. He don’t like our growth. But we don’t have any proper evidence. We will find it soon.
Priya pov
           It has been 10 days we came back from Greece. Nowadays Vikram was disturbed by something. If I ask him he will divert the topic. I think it is something related to his work. I didn’t further pressured him. If he want he will surely say me. It’s Sunday evening Vikram, Karthik Anna and Kavya are in study room discussion about their work. I was watching tv. Vijay completed his project so went for trip with his friends. My phone rang I attended it.
Vijay – Anni how are u?
I – Fine. Do u guys enjoying the trip.
Vijay – S anni we went to lots of places. Tomorrow morning we will start from here by evening we will reach home.
I – Ohh ok ok. Drive safely
Vijay – Ok anni bye
I – Bye.
     I thought to buy groceries. Three of them will be busy so I didn’t disturb them and took Vikram car as my car went to service. When I was driving suddenly one lorry came and hit side of  my car. I lost my control and car  bumped in road side tree. I felt pain in my leg and head . I heard someone talk before I faint.

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