Chapter 25

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Priya pov
            Tomorrow is my wedding last few days went in shopping. Now I am sitting in my room with mehandi in my hands. From morning I can’t able to talk with Vikram. I still can’t believe that I kissed him that day. He even teased me saying that if he get a thank you like this he would like to get it more. I was smiling thinking about it. I come out of my thoughts due to coughing. I turned and saw kavya, Mithra and my anni's are smiling at me.
Latha anni – I think someone is thinking about her would be husband
I – Nothing like that anni.
They came and sat in bed and couch in my room. They all teased me and talking random things but I was in deep thinking.
Pavi anni – What happen Pri? U have lost somewhere.
I – Nothing anni. I was thinking how I will handle new responsibilities.
Sumi anni came near me and rubbed my hair.
Sumi anni – It’s common for every girl during their marriage. We also faced that situation.  Don’t panic about it.
Vani anni – U know what when I came here after marriage I too worried how to handle everything. But u guys gave me comfort. Ur brother also supported me lot. Slowly I become one among u guys. In ur case u have to handle things in the place of Vikram's parents also. At first it may be difficult for u but I have trust in u that u will handle everything and Vikram also there for u.
I – Vikram also said that but
I was cut by voice.
Kumar anna – We know u can handle everything so don’t worry.
I turned and saw my brothers are standing there with plate full of food. They came and started feeding me. I got emotional Sumi anni tried to change my mood.
Sumi anni – U guys only feed ur sister not ur wife.
Raj anna – Y not baby I will feed u too and also do more than that.
Saying that he kissed her cheeks. Everyone laughed. She hide her face by side hugging anna. Even my other anna's also did the same with their wife. Then teasing session started. I love my family. Tomorrow I am going to start a new life. I will miss them lot.
Praveen anna – Ok guys it’s late we should sleep.
Pavi anni – U brothers go we will be sleeping here.
Whattt? My brothers shouted at same time.
Vani anni – What? We are going to have girls time so u guys get out.
All my brothers face fell down hearing It.
Latha anni – Make children to sleep first. Go
Saying this they pushed my brothers outside. They went out with sulking face. We talked for sometime and slept.

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