Chapter 55

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Arjun pov
                 Yesterday after hearing Diya’s talk with Priya and Kavya I can’t able to concentrate in my work. My thought is full of her. After debating with my mind and heart whole night I decided to follow my heart. I want to overcome my fear. I too want happy life with my Diya. I entered Vikram office. He is talking with Karthik about some project. Both looked at me.
Vikram – what happen you came in your duty hour.
I – I want to talk an important thing with you guys. That I decide to
Before i complete Vikram phone rang.
Vikram – why Alex is calling now?
Saying this he took the call.
Vikram – What? We will come in 10 minutes
He looked tension.
I – What happen
Vikram – Priya and Diya is missing. We have to go. Come fast.
We reached mall in 10 minutes. That 10 minutes I was not myself. I want to see Diya and my sister. When we reach parking lot  Kavya ran to Karthik and hugged him. She is crying.
Karthik – Kavya what happen where is Priya and Diya.
Kavya – We three came for shopping. After shopping I came to car to keep the luggage. They both went to restroom. It has been more than 10 minutes they didn’t return so I went to check them but they are missing. Please find them
Saying this she cried more.
Vikram turned to bodyguards.
Vikram – What the hell are you guys doing. How did this happen
Alex – Sir we were waiting outside the restroom but we don’t know there is another door in back side. We checked full mall we can’t find them. So only we called you. Now only I checked CCTV 2 cars went out fast. I think in that car only they kidnapped both mam.
I – Do you have car number
Alex – Yes sir this is the number.
He gave a paper to me. I know it may be fake number but let’s try once. I called the control room and checked. As I thought it is fake only. I asked to alert every check post
I – It’s fake number I alerted every signal.
  I have to find them soon.
Priya pov
           I opened my eyes with slight pain in my head. I tried to take my hands but I can’t. I looked around and found that I was tied in a chair. Diya is tied near me. The room looked like some old factory.
I – Diya Diya open your eyes.
I called her. After few minutes she slowly opened her eyes.
Diya – How we came here. Why they kidnapped us?
We heard door opening sound. Someone came inside with scaring smile.
Unknown – So you both woke ah
Priya – Who are you? Why you kidnapped us
Unknown – Ohhh The great Vikram Ram Prasad wife don’t know me. It’s ok. I think my darling know about me.
Saying this he turned towards Diya. Hearing him Diya is shocked.
Diya – You Mahesh Kumar
She slowly whispered.
Mahesh Kumar – Correct darling.
He tried to touch Diya’s cheek. She turned his head side ways.
Diya – Chee don’t touch me.
Mahesh Kumar – Ohh ok ok. Don’t get angry. Your face will not look good during our marriage.
Diya – Marriage?
Mahesh Kumar – Yes we are going to get married in an hour
Diya – I won’t marry you
He came near me and grabbed my hair. I shouted in pain.
Diya – Hey leave her.
Mahesh Kumar – If you don’t marry me I will kill her.
I – Diya don’t agree to him. He can’t do anything.
He slapped me .
Diya – Please don’t do anything to her. I will do anything you say.
I – Diya no don’t do this.
Diya – No I can’t see you like this. I can do anything to safeguard you.
She cried.
Mahesh Kumar – Good. Now I untie you. Go and get ready with the things kept in the room. If you try to act smart then I will kill her.
He said to Diya pointing at me.
Diya – No don’t do anything to her. I will do what you say.
A lady came and took her to another room. Vikram come quick and safe us. I said in mind.
Vikram pov
            It has been 1 hour we didn’t get any details about Priya and Diya
I – Kavya do you doubt someone
Kavya thought few minutes
Kavya – Yes anna I doubt one person.
Arjun – Who
Kavya – Mahesh Kumar
I – What
Kavya – S anna. He is torturing Diya for past few months saying he is in love with her. She tried to say this to Arjun anna but he didn’t listen to her. Today when Priya and I went to her hospital she shouted at  him in phone. We heard it after only she told everything. He even said that he will meet her very soon. We thought to say this to you tonight. Before that this happened.
Arjun – I won’t leave him this time. How dare he
He banged his hand in table near him. Suddenly I  remembered the tracking chip in Priya’s ring.
I – Arjun Priya's ring has tracking chip track that quickly.
Within 5 minutes we tracked their location. It show some old factory in outer city.
I – Karthik you be with Kavya. We will come with Priya and Diya.
Karthik – I will also come.
I – No we can’t leave Kavya alone it will be risky. What can we do if they target Kavya also. So be with her.
Karthik – Ok da you both careful
We both nodded and started to the location.

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