Chapter 37

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Author pov
Vikram came out of Ragini's hold.
Vikram – Ragini what’s this don’t u know to knock before entering.
Ragini – Ohh come on Vikky does I need permission to come here.
Before Vikram could reply. She turned towards Priya.
Ragini – what are u doing here?
Vikram – I only called her to discuss about placement.
Ragini – ok u may leave now we have personal things to talk.
Before Vikram could talk. Priya got up from seat and went out saying ok. Vikram got angry with Ragini.
Vikram – Y the hell did u ask her to leave.
Ragini – Common Vikky  u know I went to my sister home at Singapore for 6 months and  can’t able to talk to u so I thought to spend time with you. U know my amma is going  to talk with ur grandma soon about our marriage.
Vikram – What the hell?
Ragini – Y r u shouting like this. Both our mother’s are friends. We also friends. So whats wrong if we both marry.
Vikram – Ohh God Ragini we both are only friends nothing else so don’t have any other hopes. Ask ur mother not to do any stupidity.
I don’t have time to talk with you. I had a important work.
Saying this Vikram went out in search of Priya.
Ragini – U can’t escape from me Vikram. I will surely marry you.
She thought in her mind while smirking.
Priya pov
                I came out of Vikram's cabin. I took my belongings and started to home as classes were over. When I saw Ragini hugging Vikram I got angry. I controlled myself not to slap her. How dare she will hug my husband. I don't know who she is for Vikram. With that thought I reached home. When I went inside I saw Siva Kumar appa, Lalitha amma, Karthik anna, kavya and Vijay are sitting in Hall and talking with each other.
I – Hai everyone.
Lalitha came and hugged me.
Lalitha – How was ur first day kanna?
I – Good amma
Karthik – Priya where is Vikram? He came to meet u right.
I – S anna he came.
Vijay – Then where is anna?
I – He is having some personal meeting.
I said in irritated voice.
What?  They shouted at same time.
I – S he
Before I say further. I heard Vikram voice. I turned to see him coming inside calling my name.
Vikram – Priya y u came alone I was so worried.
I – I know how to come home. By the way u were busy with ur personal meeting so I can't able to inform u.
Saying this I went to our room to fresh up. I need to cool down myself before talking with Vikram.

Vikram pov
                     I don’t know Ragini had a thought of marrying me. But I consider her only as a friend. After replied to Ragini I came out in search of Priya. I couldn't find her any where in the Institute. I called her but she is not picking my calls. Then I called her bodyguard Alex.
I – Where is Priya?
Alex – Sir Mam is on the way to ur home in scooty.
I – What
Alex – S sir she is going in that route only I am following her
I – Ok. If she goes somewhere else inform me.
Alex – Ok sir.
     I cut the call and started to home. I don’t know what Priya is thinking. Did she misunderstood me or she is angry with me. Ohh god our relationship was going smoothly why are u creating problem. I sighed. As soon as I reached home. I went inside calling her name. I saw everyone are there.
I – Priya y u came alone I was so worried.
Priya – I know how to come home. By the way u were busy with ur personal meeting so I can't able to inform u.
Saying this she went to our room. Everyone looked at me questionly. I told them about Ragini's behaviour.
Karthik – I thought she has something for u.
Sivakumar uncle – I too felt it when she willingly joined Institute. In fact few people said that she is dominating the Institute. She was out of town few months so I thought to talk her after she come.
Lalitha aunty – Ragini’s mother is money minded person. So I and ur mom are not allowed her too close to us. Only we are business friends level.
I – I didn't think her like that. I don't know what to do. What if she create misunderstanding between me and my Riya. I can't live without my Riya.
Kavya – Anna don’t think too much. Nothing will happen like that. Priya may be angry but she can't hate u. Try too pacify her.
Vijay – S anna go and talk with anni.
When I went to our room she is inside bathroom. I waited for her to come out. After 10 minutes she came.
I – Riya I
Priya – Vikram everyone are waiting down I need to go.
She didn't let me to talk. She went down. I don't know what she is thinking. I freshen up and went down to talk to her. I saw her talking while having snacks with everyone happily. I sat near her. She stood up.
Priya – I will make dinner for u guys.
She went inside kitchen. Kavya gave me a sad smile and went to help Priya. Lalitha aunty patted my back and said she will talk to u don’t worry. I nodded. She too went inside kitchen.
Karthik – Machi u have to try hard da.
Vijay – S anna try to gift anni which she likes.
Siva kumar uncle – S that’s best idea. Even I will gift ur aunty when she is angry. U know Priya is far better than ur aunty. If she is angry she will turn the home upside down.
Karthik and Vijay laughed. I thought something then made a call to execute it. I think it will workout. During dinner also I tried to talk with her but she didn't even look at me. It’s hurting me. After dinner uncle and aunty went home. Karthik and kavya also started to go. I insists them to stay here but they said that they will stay some other time. Karthik said that he will drop kavya. I nodded at him. After bidding bye to them Priya went to Vijay room to make him sleep. It’s been a route after knowing about Vijay's nightmare. She is taking care of Vijay as a mother. I went with karthik and kavya till car at the same time my order has been arrived. It is KitKat bouquet with a love u note.
Kavya – Wow anna super. It’s a great idea to pacify her.
I smiled.
Kavya – But anna u bought chocolate for ur wife but u forgot ur sister.
She pouted. I laughed at her. I turned towards delivery boy and asked for my another parcel. He gave it and left. I gave that to kavya.
I – This is for my sister.
Kavya – Thank you so much anna u r the best.
Saying this she side hugged me.
Karthik – If ur brother sister talk over shall we go it’s getting late.
Kavya – yeah I forgot. Ok anna bye.
They went. I went inside with a thought of how to pacify my Riya.

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