Chapter 10

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Vikram pov
         After meeting I talked with Priya. She said they reached home safely and asked me to take dinner. She cares for me. I like her caring nature. I had dinner and went to home. I went to grandma room. She is sleeping peacefully. Without disturbing her I went to my room. I took both and laid in bed thinking about today beautiful memories with my Priya. I like it when my presence affect her. She blushed when I hold her hand. I teased her when she said that I am not handsome. She is comfortable with me. With her thought I slept.
         I woke up from my sleep when someone poured water in me. I jerked and saw  Karthik and Vijay standing there with bucket.
I – U idiots y u poured water.
Karthik – u know what time is 11 am still u r sleeping that’s y we gave u treatment.
I – oh God today Sunday y u  guys disturbed my sleep.
Vijay – Karthik anna I think we disturbed him While he is dreaming about anni. Am I right bro.
I glared at them. They started running I chased them I pushed them in swimming pool. They glared at me and we started laughing. After freshen up in came to hall. I saw my grandma, Vijay and Karthik are talking. I went and sat with them.
I – When u guys came.
Karthik – we came at 10.30 am. We  waited for you but u didn’t came so we came to wake u.
I – Ohh ok. Vijay when Sivakumar mama and lalitha athai is coming.
Vijay – Anna Sivakumar mama again had high BP so doctor advised not to travel for 2 months. So they r not coming.
I – When it happen. I talked with him 2 days before he didn’t said anything.
Vijay – Yesterday morning athai called and said mama has high BP. I went there immediately . Doctor said he is ok but not to travel. I thought to inform u but mama didn’t allow me saying that u will be tensed.
I – First I will talk with him.
I called and talked with him. He said he was fine not to worry. He said to concentrate on my marriage. I ended the call. Sivakumar mama is my supporter. He handled the business and helped me lot. They don’t have child. They treat me and Vijay as their children. We love them lot. I had my brunch. Vijay booked ticket for movie. We are on the way to theatre. I opened my whatsapp Priya messaged good morning at 7. I texted her.
I – hi I woke at  11 only. Now only saw ur msg
Within few minutes she replied
Priya – Ohh ok ok. How is grandma?
I – She is fine. Me, Vijay and  my friend Karthik are going for a movie now. What is ur plan today?
Priya – ohh super. Usually in Sunday we all will play games and we all will have lunch together. Sometimes we go for movie in evening.
I – Ohh nice. Ok bye we reached theatre. Will text u later.
Priya – Bye. Have a nice day.
After movie we went to sports club and played. Then we had our dinner and came home. I didn’t have time to talk with Priya.  I took my phone and texted her.
I – Just now reached home Riya. What r u doing?
Priya – Ohh Had dinner and came to room.
I – Shall I call.
Priya – Ok.
I called her.
Priya – Hi
I – Hi r u free or do u have any work.
Priya – No work we can talk
I – Hmm ok. So how was ur day.
Priya – Good. For u
I – After a long time we went out.
Priya – That’s nice.
I – Riya u r doing MBA final year right
Priya – Yeah.
I – Do u have any aim because u r doing MBA and at the same time u r writing bank exam. If u have any u can share with me. I will support u.
Priya – After completing BE I thought to study further so joined MBA with Deepa. She wants to become bank officer . I love to solve reasoning and aptitude for an experience I am writing those exams with her even I am taking classes for  students as a part time. I am not a person saying that I have to achieve something so I will only focus on that. But if I took any responsibilities I will work hard and give the best.
I – Quit impressive.
Priya – Thanks.
I was really impressed with her answer. Then we talked about our likes, dislikes, friends etc.., I saw the time it was 11.45 pm.
I – Riya it’s going to be 12. U sleep. Will see u tomorrow at ur home.
Priya – Hmm ok. Good night.
I – Good night sweet dreams.

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