Chapter 43

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Priya pov
           I came home tiredly. No one is in home. Mala aunty is on leave. Kavya and Karthik Anna went to Bangalore for meeting. I went to our room to fresh up. When I opened wardrobe my eyes fell on black saree which Vikram gave me. When we went for engagement shopping I liked this saree but that was selected by other customer. But Vikram noticed it and asked manager for another saree similar to it. He gifted it for our one month marriage anniversary. I was happy to see this saree. When I asked him how he know about it. He said that he heard my conversation that day and how I looked sad when I can’t take it. I smiled remembering it. I wore it and came down to make tomato chutney for dinner. Vijay called me and informed that he is staying with his friends. I finished making chutney I decided to make dosa while eating. It’s 8  still Vikram didn’t came. I made coffee locked the main door and took coffee to terrace and sat in wooden swing. I was drinking coffee while enjoying chill climate. Suddenly it started raining. I placed the mug and drenched in rain.
Vikram pov
                After leaving institute I went to meeting. It went till evening. After finishing it I finalized few presentations. Vijay called me and informed that he won’t come home tonight and also asked me to go home early because Priya will be alone. I looked at watch it’s going to be 8. I packed everything and went home. It’s raining I went near main door it is locked so I opened using the key which I have with me every time. I looked for Priya. She is no where. At last I went to terrace there I saw her dancing in rain and enjoying. What got my attention is she is wearing black saree which I gave her. Ohh God she is looking hot. Her wet dress is sticking her body as second skin showing her curves clearly. I gulped my saliva. I leaned in pillar and admired her. After few minutes she turned and her eyes met mine. She looked down while blushing. I slowly went near her sensing it she looked at me and started moving back. She hit her back in pillar there is no gap between us. I leaned and captured her lips. We kissed till we are out of breath. I carried her in my arms and moved towards our room and closed the door with my legs. I slowly placed her in bed. I looked at her she nodded her head. I captured her lips. We United in all sense. After making love we both slept hugging each other.
Priya pov
                 I woke and saw Vikram is hugging me and sleeping. I smiled and looked outside it’s still raining. I looked at clock it’s 4.10 am. I am feeling hungry. I tried to remove Vikram hand from me but he tighten the hold.
Vikram – Sleep darling
I – Vikram I am hungry.
Vikram – me too.
Saying this he crease my stomach lightly. I slapped him.
I – I am hungry for food not what u thing. U r shameless.
He opened his eyes and kissed my forehead.
Vikram – U go and fresh up I will bring food.
He wore his shorts and went out. I took Vikram shirt which is near me and wore it. I tiredly went to bathroom and brushed my teeth cleaned my self and came out. I didn’t change my dress as I am feeling tired. After few minutes Vikram came with dosa and chutney.
Vikram – I heated tomato chutney and made dosa. Here have it.
Saying this he started feeding me with his own hand. I too feed him. After eating we both settled in bed by leaning in bedrest.
Vikram – U should often wear my shirt because u look hot in it.
I hit his hand and hide my face in his chest. He laughed.
Vikram – Riya I have to say something.
I just hummed.
Vikram – Yesterday everyone in institute got to know that you are my wife. It will spread like fire. So we have to announce our marriage. Is that ok for u.
I – Vikram I know that one or other day we have to announce it so why not today. I am fine with this.
He kissed my forehead.
Vikram – Ok I will take care of it.
Vikram phone rang. He attended the call and put in speaker.
Vikram – S.
Manager – Sir due to heavy rain school and college are leave today .
Vikram – Ok inform it to all teachers and ask them to circulate the information to students by message.
Manager – Ok sir.
He cut the call and looked at me.
Vikram – Sleep u must be tired.
I – Hmm.
I hugged him and slept. I woke at 10 Vikram is not in room. I took bath and came to kitchen. Kavya is cooking something.
I – Hey when did u came where is Karthik Anna.
Kavya – Came half an hour before. Karthik is with Vikram Anna in study room. Just 5 minutes food will be ready.
I -  U must be tired due to travel move aside I will make food.
Kavya – I was not tired looks like u only not slept whole night wait wait did something happen yesterday night.
I blushed looking down.
Kavya – Ohh my god Pri u r blushing that means I guessed right that u both consummate.
I nodded. She hugged me.
Kavya – U both started ur life. I am so happy for you guys. Ok come let’s eat.
    That day we four enjoyed by watching movies.


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