Chapter 52

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Author pov
               Arjun came to garden side following by Vikram and Karthik came. Seeing Arjun Diya went to talk with him.
Diya – Arjun Are you free I want to talk with you.
Arjun – Sorry I am busy.
Diya – Just 5 minutes.
Arjun turn towards Priya.
Arjun – Priya ma I am having work will come some other day. Bye all
Saying this he went without replying to Diya. She felt  hurt. Tears formed in her eyes but she hide it immediately. Vikram came and side hugged Diya.
Vikram – Diya ma he is always like this only. He don’t show his emotions to anyone. Don’t worry we all will help you to accept his love for you.
Diya just nodded.
After 2 months
Priya is working in her cabin. Someone knocked the door.
Priya – Come in.
A girl came inside.
Saranya – Good evening mam.
Priya – Ohh Student Representative come. Take a seat
Saranya – Thank you mam.
She sat nervously. Priya noticed it.
Priya – What happen Saranya any problem for students
Saranya – No mam
Priya – Then why are you nervous. Is something personal.
She nodded. Priya closed her laptop and asked her.
Priya – Say now what you want to talk.
Saranya – Mam Due to my horoscope my marriage should be done within 6 months. So my parents fixed my marriage with Raghav ,my athai payan( aunt son).
Saying this she showed boy photo in her phone.
Priya – Why you don’t like him ah
Saranya – No mam nothing like that the problem is we both know each other but I didn’t seen him like that. He is good person and working in Bangalore. Till now we talked like friends suddenly husband means I felt little awkward. I don’t know how can I manage responsibility after marriage.
Priya smiled.
Priya – My marriage also fixed suddenly. Atleast you know about your fiance but I don’t know anything about Vikram. I too afraid about marriage and responsibilities. But we both together slowly got to know each other and  manage everything. Don’t worry about anything just you talk with him and tell him about your feelings.
Saranya – Thank you so much mam. I worried lot but you clarified me.
Saranya phone rang.
Priya – take the call.
Saranya – Ok mam.
She talked in phone and cut it  after talking.
Saranya – Mam Raghav only called he said that he came to meet me. Now he is waiting for me outside our campus.
Priya – Super you go and talk with him.
Saranya – Ok mam bye.
Saying this she turned to go out.
Priya – Hey wait are you going like this go to that room and fresh up and get ready.
Saranya – Mam how can I use your room. It’s ok mam I will get ready in students restroom.
Priya – Just go inside and fresh up. I will be waiting outside the campus.
Nodding she went to inside. Priya went out and say Raghav waiting in bike. She went near him.
Priya – Hey who are you why are you waiting here.
Raghav – Mam that I ca..came..
Priya – What why are you stammering. Are you behind girls ah.
Raghav – No mam nothing like that.
Priya – Then what. Shall I call police
Saranya – Enough mam why are teasing him.
Saying this Saranya came.
Priya – You came ah I thought to tease him more.
Raghav – Saranya who is this
Saranya – She is our correspondent.
Raghav – ohh
Priya – Just thought to tease you don’t worry I won’t do anything
Raghav smiled nervously.
Saranya – Mam I kept room key in your table.
Priya – Ok now you guys go otherwise you guys will be late.
Saranya – Ok mam
Priya – After your date reach home before 9 don’t roam late before marriage ok.
Saranya – Ok mam started your advice ah.
Priya – Hey
Saying this Priya slapped her hand playfully. Suddenly a voice came from behind.
- Mam can you please advice my wife to spend some time with me
All turned and saw Vikram came there smiling.
Priya – Vikram you
Vikram – S me only. I came to see my wife.
Saranya – Mam why don’t you guys go for date.
Vikram – Super idea
Priya narrowed her eyes towards Vikram.
Saranya – Bye mam
Priya – call me after you reach home.
Saranya – Ok mam. Enjoy your date.
She winked at Priya and went. Vikram side hugged Priya.
Vikram – Shall we go madam.
Priya smiled and nodded. Vikram took her to their private beach resort. They went inside.
Room is fully decorated with balloons and flowers. At centre there was a table with food.
Priya – Wow Vikram it’s look beautiful. Really you made this arrangement.
Vikram – S it has been long time we both spent time together because of your wound. Now you are fully healed so only I planned it.
Priya – I am so happy Vikram.
Priya hugged him. After few minutes they broke the hug and looked at each other. Slowly they moved closely. Their lips touched and they started kissing. They kissed till they are out of breath. Priya looked down shyly.
Vikram – Still you are shy ah.
She blushed hard.
Vikram – Come let’s eat.
  They both feed each other while talking. After dinner Vikram asked her for a dance. They both danced and had a blissful night together

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