Chapter 31

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Vikram pov
              I came home after work. I sat in living room. I waited for Priya to bring water as it become a habit for last 15 days. But mala aunty bought water.
I – Aunty where is Priya?
Mala aunty – She is not feeling well so taking rest in room.
I – What happen aunty?
Mala aunty – Nothing Vikram she is on her monthly periods. She felt tired so sleeping.
I – Ohh ok aunty I will check on her.
I went to room. I saw her sleeping clutching her stomach. I went to fresh up without disturbing her. I searched about periods in google. I went down and came with hot water pack. I went near her and slowly rubbed her cheeks. She slowly opened her eyes. She tried to get up.
I – Don’t get up just lay flat.
She laid flat. I kept hot water pack behind her back.
I – U will feel better.
Priya – Thank you.
I – Don’t thank me it’s my duty to take care of you.
She smiled little.
I – Is it paining lot. Shall we go to doctor.
Priya – No need for doctor it’s normal in every month. I feel more pain in 1st day then I will be fine.
I nodded.
I – Riya u just be here. I will bring dinner for u.
I went to kitchen.
Mala aunty – Vikram how is Priya?
I – She is in pain Aunty.
Mala aunty – She will be ok tomorrow. Don’t worry.
I – Ok aunty. what u made for dinner.
Mala aunty – I made kichadi as Priya like it.
I – U take dinner and go home aunty. I will take dinner for her to room.
I took dinner and went to room. I asked her to sit in bed. I started feeding her. She didn’t oppose me. She ate silently.
Priya – Did u had ur dinner.
I – No I will have it later first u complete eating.
Priya – Enough I can’t eat more.
I – Riya just one spoon.
I made her to eat completely.
Priya – U go and eat.
By saying this she tried to get up.
I – What happen?
Priya – I need to use bathroom.
I – Ohh ok u go I will wait till u come back.
Priya – I can manage u just go and eat. Check on Vijay also.
I nodded and went down. I saw Vijay coming inside.
Vijay – Hi anna where is anni
I – she felt tired so sleeping. Come let’s having dinner.
Vijay – Ok anna.
We had our dinner and kept the plates in sink. Vijay went to his room. When I enter the room I saw her lying in bed uncomfortably. I laid beside her and took her in my arms. She jerked little. I thought to take my hands away but she leaned more into me. I smiled and started rubbing her head slowly. I kissed her  forehead.
I – Just close ur eyes and sleep. I will be with u.
She nodded and closed her eyes. After few minutes she slept. I slept hugging her.

Priya pov
                  It has become more than one month I came to chennai. Vikram took care of me during my periods. He bought chocolate to me and even made hot chocolate drink also. We are getting close to each other. We sleep by hugging each other, he won’t leave chance to kiss my cheeks. New feelings are growing inside me. I am falling for him. Now I was preparing dinner as Mala aunty went to meet her daughter. Today Karthik anna, kavya and Vijay's friends are coming for dinner as it is Saturday. I was singing songs and preparing food.

Vikram pov
                    I came inside the home. I heard someone singing. I went in the direction where the sound came. There Priya is singing “unnale en jeevan” song from theri movie and making something in stove. I was just mesmerized by her voice. I folded my hands in front of my chest and leaned against wall and watching her. After sometime she turned and looked at me. She stopped singing.
Priya – When did u came?.
I – When u started singing unnale en jeevan song.
Priya – Ohhh
I went near her and back hugged her as she was stirring gravy in stove.
I – U sang well.
Priya – Thanks.
I slowly kissed her neck. She moaned. I continued kissing her in ears. I turned her and kissed in her forehead, cheeks and I looked at her eyes and then her lips. She just closed her eyes in response. I slowly moved towards her lips. Our lips were less than one inch gap.
Ohhh my Virgin eyes someone shouted.
We parted away. Karthik and kavya are closing their eyes with hands.
Kavya – Shall we open our eyes.
I – S u can.
I said in irritation.
Karthik – Did we disturbed u guys.
I – Any doubt in it.
I said and smacked his head.
Karthik – How we know that u guys are romancing in kitchen. Don’t u guys have a room.
I saw Priya she was looking down blushing.
I – When my turn came I won’t leave u.
He smiled sheepishly looking at Kavya who is talking with Priya. I punched his stomach lightly.
I – Enough. Come let’s go to study room. I want to discuss about project.
Karthik – Ok. Priya ma call us after u made dinner.
Priya – Ok anna.
We both went to study room.
I – How was the project going
Karthik – 50℅ completed da. Will finish in 3 months.
I – Hmm ok.
Karthik – Did u talked with Mumbai client.
I – Yeah next week have to attend meeting in Mumbai.
Karthik – That’s nice if we get that project it will be a great reach in jewellery business in short span.
I – Hope so.
Someone knocked the door.
I – Come in.
Vijay came.
Vijay – Dinner is ready anna come fast all are waiting for you guys.
We went to have dinner.

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