Chapter 7

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Vikram pov
I reached Coimbatore at 10 am. I  want to talk with priya about marriage. I called my grandma and bought her father phone number. I dialed his number,  talked with him and ask that I want to talk with priya he said that she went to Coimbatore for bank exam so u can meet her there. I was surprised that she was writing bank exam. Her father send her number and center details to me. I reached the exam center and was waiting for My girl to come out after exam. Everyone started to come out. I saw her coming she was thinking about something and walking without noticing anyone. Suddenly a man around mid 20 came near her and they both seems very close even she blushed. I was feeling hurt and started panicking whether she doesn’t like this marriage and she was forced to say yes. She turned and our eyes met. She came near me with him and introduced him as her friend as well as he is like a brother to her. I felt happy with her statement. Her friend came and gave her phone saying that her father is calling. She went to talk with her father. I talked with her friends they are really nice and they made me feel comfortable.  After talking with them I ask them to accompany with us for lunch  they refused saying that  they have work. So I took Priya to one of our hotel in Coimbatore for lunch. I made special arrangement for us. Throughout driving she was seeing outside and we didn’t talked anything. When we went inside everyone wished me. She looked at me confused. She looks cute when she got confused. I want to kiss her cheeks. Ohh god what I am thinking. I smiled at her and said that it is our hotel. She was shocked. I don’t know how can I control myself if she looks this much beautiful and cute with her every expression. We went to private table I pulled a chair for her as a gentleman and took seat opposite to her. We gave our orders and then waiter went. We didn’t started talking for few minutes. We both started “I want to ask ..” simultaneously. We looked each other and laughed little. I said to her to ask what she wants to.
Priya – Today morning only I came to know from my friends how rich u r. I was confused y u agreed to marry a girl like me. Is it forced one?
   I was shocked she doesn’t know about me. Every girls will come behind me for my money. But she agreed to marry me without knowing about me.
I – First let me clear u that it is not forced into me. I happily agreed to marry you. My grandma and brother likes u and they said u r right for me. When I saw u in temple I came to know how  u respect and care for others, u keep ur surrounding happy. When grandma said that u r the girl she is selected for me. I felt that u will bring happiness to us.  Will u?
She nodded smiling.
Priya – what u want to ask me?
I – I thought to ask u same. Are u forced to agree for this marriage?
She smiled and replied
Priya – No one forced me. I believed in arrange marriage. My family was happy with this alliance I too felt something I don't know what  it is I finally agreed to this marriage.
He nodded.
The food we ordered came. We started to eat with silence. After finishing the lunch I took the tissue at the same time she also took it our hands brushed each other. I hold her hand we both were looking into each other eyes. Don’t know how long we r like this. We came out when my phone started ringing. I cursed the person who called me. I saw her she was blushing looking down. I attended the call it was my Coimbatore branch manager he said that there was a meeting with the clients at evening 6.30. I said to him to make the arrangement for the meeting I will be there before 6.30 and ended the call. I looked at my watch its 3 pm. I turned to her and said that I have a meeting at 6.30 pm. She nodded.
Priya – shall we look around the hotel I like the interiors of ur hotel
I – sure. Its our hotel so u can go where u want even u can change anything if u want.
She smiled and started walking.

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