Chapter 24

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Vikram pov
               We both had lunch and headed to her room. After entering she laid on bed relaxing.
I – Are u ok.
Priya – I am ok little tired due to exam.
I – U take rest we can go out later.
Priya – No no I didn’t went out due to exam so lets go. I will refresh and come. U decide where to go.
I – Ok.
                 I thought to take her for movie. So I booked tickets through online. After 20 minutes she came out. She was wearing jeans and top. I stopped breathing. She is looking hot. I was just looking at her. She came near me.
Priya – Shall we go.
I – Ye. .. Yeah let’s go.
I shattered little. In car,
I – U know what u look hot in this dress
She blushed.
Priya – Thanks. Where we r going.
I – Let’s watch movie then dinner.
Priya – Ok.
I have booked corner seat . We were watching movie there is no crowd in theatre because it is weekday afternoon. Only few couples and gang of college students. I hold her hand. Later she kept her head in my shoulder. I was experiencing new feeling in my life. Till last month I was just thinking about work but now everything changed. I just want to hold her hand like this till end of my life. There was a romantic scene I looked at her. She sensed my gaze so She was looking here and there not at me. I just kissed her hand which I am holding. She blushed.
I – If u blush like this I can’t control then I start to do more.
Priya looked at me with shock. I laughed at her. She pouted and turned to screen. We had our dinner after movie. When we start to go out of hotel manager came running towards us.
I – What happen?
Manager – Sir Press people are outside they want to interview u about our plan of starting jewellery shop.
I – How they got to know about it we didn’t announce it official.
Manager – I don’t know sir.
I – Ok u go I will come in 5 minutes.
Manager went. I turned towards Priya.
I – Riya u just stay in my room I will be back in few minutes.
She nodded and went. I went to attend interview after that I took her out by back entrance I don’t want to make her uncomfortable by media.  She is silent on the way to her home.
I – Riya are u ok.
She looked at me and nodded.  I hold her hand.
I – What happen u r thinking about something since we start from hotel.
Priya – Nothing I was just thinking how can I handle the new environment after marriage.
I tighten the hold of her hand.
I -  Riya don’t think too much. I will be with u always. Be yourself u don’t need to change. I know u can able to handle everything.
She nodded. I stopped the car near her house.
I – Riya this is for u
I gave saree to her. She opened it.
I – I designed it for u. If u like it u can wear it at marriage.
Priya – I really loved it. It’s so beautiful. Thank you for take care of everything.
She suddenly kissed my cheek and ran inside her house. I was just holding my cheeks in shock. I came back to sense when I hear knocking of car glass. Her brother was standing there. We talked few minutes and gave her bag to him and said it’s too late so I want to go so can’t come inside home. He agreed then I started to my home. I was just smiling like a idiot during whole ride.

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