Chapter 34

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Priya pov
             I ran outside of the room. I was breathing heavily. Oh my god Vikram proposed me oh my god oh my god. I danced like a mad.
Amma – Priya what r u doing there come fast.
She shouted from down stairs. I slapped my forehead for my craziness. The dinner went well. Later at night we came to our room. We both sat in bed.
I – how is meeting went?
Vikram – Yeah it went well they liked all the designs and selected for everyone except the bride.
I – Why?
Vikram – They want bride’s jewellery to be unique. It should be traditional with modern antiques. They gave us 10 days. We have to make designs within 10 days. I asked designers to give the best designs. I don’t know how we are going to do it in short span of time.
I – Don’t worry we will complete it before.
He nodded.
Vikram – I want to go Chennai tomorrow I had a important meeting on Monday. If u want u can stay here few days and come back.
I – No I will come with u.
I said immediately. He smiled. We both laid in bed.
I – R u comfortable here because bed is little small compared to yours.
Vikram – U know this is more comfortable because u can’t able to escape from me.
   Saying this he suddenly pulled me and kissed me. We both left when we were out of breath. He took me in his arms and kissed my forehead.
Vikram – Sleep darling morning I had a surprise for u.
I – what surprise?
Vikram – It’s surprise so u have to wait till morning. Now sleep.
I pouted and slept keeping my head in his chest. I really missed his presence. Next morning I informed everyone that I am leaving Chennai after breakfast. We are having  breakfast. Mithra came.
Mithra – All are having breakfast without me. I came here to eat with u guys but u guys already started eating.
Amma – Drama queen don’t start u  too sit and have breakfast.
We all finished breakfast. Mithra gave me a note
Mithra – Akka why did u asked this now?
I – Wait I will tell u.
I gave the note to Vikram and asked him to see it. He looked confused and started to look the notes. By changing the pages his confused face changed into smile.

 By changing the pages his confused face changed into smile

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( Guys I took these photos in Google I really liked it so I thought to use it in my story)Vikram – Riya really all are amazing who did those designs

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( Guys I took these photos in Google I really liked it so I thought to use it in my story)

Vikram – Riya really all are amazing who did those designs.
I – These are done by Mithra. She loves design so only she joined in fashion designing. After completing it she is decided to do internship in jewellery making.
Vikram – Mithra u are really talented person.
Mithra – Thank you mama.
Vikram – If u gave permission shall I show this to my client. They wanted this type of designs only.
Mithra – Mama y R u asking permission. U can take this.

Vikram Pov
              I took pictures of the designs and immediately send to the client. After half an hour they called and informed that they liked the designs very much and also said that they were confused in selecting so they need time. I was happy. I went to living room.
Priya – What happen?
I – They were confused which design to select. So asked for time.
Priya – Really.
She went to Mithra and hugged her.
I – Thank you so much Mithra. U solved my problem.
Mithra – Don’t thank me mama. I was happy that my designs we’re used in your project.
I – Tell me how much share U want for those designs.
Mithra – Mama I don’t want share and all. If u gave permission shall I do my intern in ur company after my degree.
I – Sure Mithra it’s pleasure to have a talented person like u as intern in our company. If u want u can join in our company after ur intern.
Mithra – Thank you mama.
After bidding bye to everyone we went to see grandma.

Priya Pov
                 After spending time with grandma we had our lunch and then started. From morning I am asking Vikram what’s the surprise. But he didn’t told me. Vikram turned the car opposite to airport.
I – Vikram airport is in opposite direction right.
Vikram – Yes but we are not going there.
I – Then
Vikram – We are going Chennai.
I looked at him confusion.
Vikram – Darling we are not going  to Chennai in flight. We are going in car.
I – Really ohh my god I like long drive. Thank you so much CEO.
By saying this I kisses her cheek. He smirked at me.
Vikram – Nowadays u became bold darling.
He took my hand kisses it. I leaned in his shoulder while he was driving car. I turned the music ON. We both enjoyed the journey by listening songs.
I – Ur playlist is fully romantic songs that too most of them my  favourite songs. 
Vikram - I know lot about U darling.
We talked lot. After 3 hours Vikram asked me whether he wants to stop for snacks.
I – Yes I want Pani puri.
Vikram – What Pani puri now? Where we get it
I – That I will say after few minutes there is A2B restaurant in the left. I like their pani puri lot. Please Vikram stop there.
Vikram – Ok madam as u wish.
After having snacks we came out.
I – Vikram give me the car key.
He looked confused.
I – Just me give.
He nodded and gave me the key. I went to driver seat and asked him to sit inside.
Vikram – U know to drive?
I – Want to see it. Come I will show u.
I started the car and drove it.
Vikram – wow Riya u R driving as a professional. U didn’t said that u know driving.
I – U didn’t ask it Mr. CEO. Kumar anna taught me driving at my 1 st year college. They said it is necessary for girls to learn it. Kavya and Mithra also know driving. Even anni' s also learnt after their marriage.
Vikram – Ohh that’s good.
I – U just take rest. U must be tired.
Vikram – Ok love.
I just smiled. Vikram is looking at me without turning other side.
I – If u look at me like this then how can I drive.
Vikram – I am seeing my wife why u have problem in it.
I just shake my head and concentrate on driving.

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