Chapter 48

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Author pov
Vikram looked at Priya questionly.
Doctor – S sir I think it’s planned because I was there when accident occurred. After mam car hit in tree two persons in that lorry went towards the car I thought they were going to help but when I went near them they ran away.
Priya –  It is planned to kill u but I went in your car.
Vikram – How you are sure about it.
Priya – Before I become unconscious I heard their talked they were talking that it is not Vikram whom we want to kill.
Vikram looked shocked. Priya turned towards Alex.
Priya – Answer me
Alex – Mam I asked doctor to admit you and inform sir. Then I chased them and bought them into our custody. We torcher them till morning but they are again and again saying that they were asked by someone to kill Sir and don’t know about the person who gave money to them.
Vikram – I will ask DIG to investigate about this. Keep them under our custody till I say and  Tight the security for all family members.
Alex – Ok sir.
Alex left from there. Vikram turned towards doctor.
Vikram – Thank you so much doctor for helping Priya in that situation.
Doctor – No sir I am in this position because of the scholarship given by your institution. I just did a small thing. And just call me Diya sir.
Vikram nodded.
Vikram – Priya I will make a call  and come in few minutes. You take rest.
Priya – Ok.
Doctor ( Diya)  – Mam I will come after checking other patients if u have any problem inform nurse I will come and check.
Priya – Ok and call me Priya.
Diya – Hmm ok Priya. You too call me Diya.
Priya nodded. Diya went out. After 10 minutes Vikram came with bag.
Vikram – I talked with DIG he said he will send ACP to investigate.
Priya – Hmm ok. Did anyone in our family know about my accident.
Vikram – No except Karthik and kavya no one knows. I thought to inform everyone after you woke because they will be worried.
Priya – Yeah everyone will be scared and worry. But what about Vijay. He will come home today afternoon right.
Vikram – I didn’t inform him too. Yesterday night he called to talk to you I said that you slept early. We will say once he reach.
Priya nodded.
Vikram – Karthik and kavya will come in an hour with your breakfast and dress. Now u fresh up. I will help you.
Vikram helped Priya to stand. Slowly she kept her leg in floor. Suddenly she hissed in pain.
Vikram – Riya are u feeling pain.
Priya nodded. Vikram took Priya in his hand and went towards bathroom.
Priya – Vikram what are you doing put me down. I can walk.
Vikram didn’t listen to her. He took her inside bathroom and slowly placed her down. He helped her in fresh up and again took her to bed. All the while Vikram was feeling sad and guilty that because of him someone tried to kill his Riya. Priya noticed him. She held his hand and made him to sit beside her in bed.
Priya – Vikram  Why are you looking sad.
Vikram hugged her and cried.
Vikram – You don’t know how I felt when I hear about your accident. Here after don’t do like this I can’t live without you.
He said while crying.
Priya – Vikram don’t cry. I am fine I can’t see u like this. Please don’t cry.
Vikram stopped crying. Both stayed like that for few minutes. Vikram suddenly thought about her wound. He slowly came out of hug and cupped her face and kissed her forehead. Vikram wiped his eyes. At the same time someone knocked the door. Vikram asked to come in. A man in mid 20’s came in police uniform. When Vikram looked him. Vikram went near him and punched his face. Priya looked shocked. Vikram grabbed his collar in one hand and tried to punch the police officer again. At the same time Karthik and kavya came inside.
Karthik – Vikram what are u doing leave him.
Saying this Karthik removed his hold and saw the officer face. Karthik face changed into angry and he too punched that officer. All the while the police officer stayed silent. Kavya came and stopped Karthik.
Kavya – Stop it what you guys are doing.
Karthik – Leave me Kavya I want to kill him.
Police officer – Kill me.

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