Chapter 39

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Kavya pov
                   Today project with Vikram anna company is going to finish. During this project I got to know more about Karthik. He dropped me to my apartment when I got late due to work. I had fallen for him. I don’t know how to express it to him. First I have to talk with Priya about my feelings. She is the right one to give suggestion about how to propose. Karthik went out before lunch after that I didn’t see him. I don’t know whether he came back or not. Due to the last pending work in project I didn’t got time to see him. Everyone left office as it was almost 8. After completing my work I took the project report and went to MD cabin to submit it.
I – Excuse me sir
MD – S come in.
I heard his voice. I went in.
I – Sir final project report
While taking it he hold my hand. I tried to remove my hands but his grip is tight.
I – Sir leave my hand I have to go.
MD – Y so much hurry kavya. We can spend some time then u can go.
I jerked my hands from him and started to go out. Before I open the door. He pulled me. I slapped him in his cheeks.
MD – Ahh baby Y r u angry just one day then I won’t disturb u.
Saying this he came near me. I tried to escape but he griped my hairs I shouted in pain. He pushed me I hit my head in desk and it’s  start bleeding. He pulled my shoulder my dress has torn little. I hide it with my hands and sat down near wall.
I – Please leave me.
He smirked and came near me. I took the dustbin near me and throw it but he moved aside. He pulled my chin and bought his face to kiss my lips I felt like dyeing. I prayed god to help me. Tears were rolling from my eyes. I struggle to get out of him. Suddenly the door opened.
Karthik pov
                     After talking with Priya I again came to Kavya's office  as the project going to finish today. It’s already 8 still I have to verify final report. But I have to go to Vikram home for dinner so I thought of checking it tomorrow. I took my things and came out. I looked at Kavya desk she is not there I think she left but I felt odd. I went to parking then only I realized I forgot my car key in my cabin. I went inside again to take key after taking I came out of cabin. I heard noise from MD room. May be I think he is still here. I start walking again I hear something breaking sound. I went and open his room. There I saw a scene which boiled my angry. That bloody rascal is trying to misbehave with my angel. I pulled him and punched his face hard. He fell down. I started beating him. Blood was coming from his mouth he fainted. I hear kavya crying I controlled my angry. I went near kavya She is hugging her knees and crying. I touched her. She started shouting please leave me leave me.
I – Kavya calm down it’s me karthik.
Hearing me she looked up and hugged me.
I – Shhh don’t cry I am here na nothing will happen to you.
          I took my coat and covered her. I took kavya near my car. I called Kavya body guard and asked him to take that bastard to our custody. Then I made her sit inside car. She is not leaving my hands.
I – Kavya don’t worry I will be with u.
I took drive seat and started to Vikram home. I know currently she need Priya. I rang the door bell. Priya opened the door and shocked seeing Kavya. Kavya hugged Priya and started crying. Vikram and Vijay too came and shocked.
Priya – Anna what happen?
I – Priya first take her inside will talk later.
We all sat in living room. Kavya still in Priya's arm and crying. I said them what happened there. Priya too had tears in her eyes.
Vikram – How dare he try to touch my sister. Did u leave him there.
Vikram shouted with angry filled eyes.
I – No Vikram I asked Jax to take that bastard to our custody.
Vikram – I will show him the hell. Will teach him the consequences of trying to abuse Vikram Ramprasand sister.
Vikram' s angry raised to peak.
Vijay – Anna calm down see Kavya akka is shivering with ur tone.
Vikram closed his eyes to calm down. He moved towards Kavya and side hugged her. He started rubbing her hair slowly.
Vikram – Don’t cry ma. Why u should cry for his mistakes. Ur my strong baby sister right. I won’t leave him. U take rest.
   I can’t able to see my angel like this. I am controlling my angry for her. I don't want her to scare more. Tomorrow I will show him death.
Vikram – Priya take her to room.
Priya took kavya inside. Vikram took his phone to call someone.
I – Vijay can u ask Mala aunty to prepare soup for kavya.
Vijay – Ok anna.
After a minute Priya came.
Priya – Be with her anna. I will take a dress for her from my room.
I nodded and went inside room. She is not there. I heard shower sound along with crying. I went near bathroom it is not closed.
I – Kavya what r u doing come out.
She didn't reply.
I – Kavya don’t scare me please come out otherwise I will come in.
She is crying loudly. Without a thought I went inside. She is crying under shower. Her clothes are fully wet. It’s hurting me to see her like this. I turned off the shower and pulled her into hug. She is crying lot. I slowly took her out at the same time Priya came with dress.
I – Priya change her dress otherwise she will catch cold.
Priya – Ok anna. U too go and change ur dress it is also wet.
I nodded and went to change my clothes.

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