Chapter 33

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Priya pov
                 It has been 3 days I came to Tirupur. Vikram still didn’t came from Mumbai. I was worried how I am going to handle school and college. At the same time I am missing Vikram. Praveen anna came to my room.
Praveen – What happen Pri? I am watching u  after u came from Chennai u looked worried. Is everything ok there.
I – Anna Vikram transferred shares to me and they gave me a responsibility to take care of RP Institute. They have faith in me anna. But I don’t I can able to handle everything. So only I am worried.
Praveen –  Don’t worry. They trust u and I am sure u will handle it. If u have any doubt u can ask Vikram. I know Vikram will be there for u.  don’t think too much u just do what u felt right. Ok.
I – Ok anna thank u so much.
I hugged him. He rubbed my hairs slowly.
Kavi akka – U two having brother sister time alone ah. It’s not fair.
Kavi akka came holding her 8 month old boy.
Praveen – U came to disturb us.
Kavi akka playfully slapped his shoulder.
I – We were just talking akka nothing else.
Kavi akka – Ok ok. Pri can U please take care of Abinav I will come be back in an hour.
I – Ok akka.
Kavi akka – Praveen anna go and buy ice cream for everyone.
Praveen – Ok
Kavi akka went. Praveen anna turned to go out but stopped  and turned towards me.
Praveen – R you worried about this only or u R missing ur hubby.
I – Annaaaa.
I blushed looking down.
Praveen – Ok ok u continue missing ur husband I am going.
Saying this he went. I saw my phone whether Vikram messaged me but no. I kept the phone aside and started playing with my cutie. I played with him for some time and again took my phone expecting that Vikram had texed but no.
I – See here I am waiting for ur chithappa to text or call me but he is busy in his work. If he call us we should not talk to him ok va.
  I said to Abinav who looked at me laughingly like he understand everything. I heard kavi akka saying Vikram. I turned my head to the entrance. There he is leaning against the door smiling. My mind was stopped.

Vikram pov
                  After completing my work in Mumbai I took next flight to Coimbatore. This 3 days was like a hell without my Riya. She become habit to me. I can’t even sleep without hugging her. Finally I am going to meet her. I didn’t inform her about my arrival. After reaching Coimbatore. I directly went to her home. Her family members greeted me. My eyes we’re searching for my Riya.
Dinesh – Mama akka is in her room.
Dinesh whispered near my ears. I looked at him.
Dinesh – Mama u will be tired due to traveling. Y don’t u take rest before dinner.
He said little louder.
Priya mom – yes mapillai u go and fresh up I will call u for dinner.
I – Ok athai.
Priya mom – Dinesh take him to Priya room.
I – It’s ok I can manage.
They nodded. I went to Priya room. I want to see her reaction. When I reached her room door. I heard her voice. I stood leaning on door and listen to her. She is talking to little baby about me and how she is missing me. She too missed me. Suddenly someone called me. It was her sister. I talked with her few minutes and turned to Priya. She is looking at me without blinking her eyes.
Kavi akka – Priya
She didn’t respond. She called again little louder. She came back to her sense.
Priya – S ka.
Kavi akka – where r u lost. I am taking Abinav with me. U guys have ur own time.
She teased us.
Priya – Ok ka.
She took her baby and went out closing door not before winking at Priya. She blushed. We both were looking at each other. I went near her and hugged her tightly.
I – I missed u so much Riya.
Priya – I missed u too.
I smiles at her statement.
I – U know what I didn’t felt like this before. But now u r becoming my habit. I don’t know how and when u entered my heart. I love u Riya. I really love u so much I can’t think my life without u.
    She came out of my hug and looked at me with some emotions. I don’t know what it is.
I - I know it is not a romantic proposal when I realize my love for u I can’t wait to express it to u. So I just said u. I don’t want u to reply me immediately. U take ur own time I will wait for u.
Priya – I love u too Vikram.
She too loves me and she called my name first time. I was in cloud nine. I smiled at her. She is looking down blushing. I cupped her face making her look at me. She is biting her lower lips. I just want to taste her lips. I looked at lips and then her eyes. I don’t know she is ready for this. She just closed her eyes in anticipation. I took it as acceptance and I just leaned and placed my lips in her soft lips. I started kissing her after sometime she too started kissing me. We left when we are out of breathing. She hugged me to hide her blushing.
I – My first kiss
Priya – Mine too.
Her mother shouted from downstairs asking us to come for dinner. She came out from my hold.
Priya – Fresh up and come down I will help amma in arranging.
She ran outside quickly. I smiled at her behaviour and went inside bathroom.

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