Part 2-Ceremony

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The band and I move up from the dressing rooms to the seating area for the musicians

We shuffle through the lane of artists until we get to our seats. As we get there I realize Tokio Hotel is sitting next to us. i sit right next to Gustav.

"Looking good y/n" he compliments

"thanks!" i tell him "not too shabby yourself" i say with a smile.

While we're talking Toms eyes catch my attention. He's staring right at me and Gustav talking , with eyes piercing both me and him. I straighten my back and tell Gustav it'd be better if we payed attention to the ceremony as it's about to start.

I look back at Toms direction after a bit and realize he's still looking at me. His expression from mad changes into a smile and makes a "call me" motion with his hands.

I can't help but smile.

He notices and gives me a smile. A true, heartfelt smile. Not a "fucking around with you" smile. A "i'm glad you're happy" smile.

I get back to the ceremony content with myself as the host is about to reveal Rookie Of The Year.

The candidates are
-The Reds
-Banana Fish
- Impure division
- Tokio Hotel

I reach over to Vics hand as she's sitting next to me and squeeze it as i pray we win this award.

The host opens the envelope and stops for a second.

"Paraphernalia!" he announces

i jump from my seat and scream "WE DID IT!!" as i hug Vic.

The sounds of fans screaming and people clapping surround my ears.

My eyes well up and i start crying as we make our way to the stage.

As we get upstage , i am handed our award . I thank the host and position myself to give our speech as the leader of this band.

No words can explain how thankful i am for this moment. This family i am with today on stage, this family is who i owe my eternal happiness to. To the paraphernalia crew, the staff,managers, producers thank you so much for making this dream come true. to the FANS! i have nothing but love to those who have supported me and vic and marc and oh god raul!! to more wins! i love you all!

I lift our trophy to the air and mouth "thank you" as i look into the audience. i see Tom looking at me with a wide smile , clapping his hands. making me even happier for this moment.

The event ends and we pack things up to go back to our hotel rooms.

I go to my dressing room and clean my things up, as i'm cleaning i look at the note Tom left me. i smile . there's no way i'm not saving his number.

i make my way to van, exhausted and ready to go.

Before i can leave the building i stop by Toms room to see if he's there. Just out of curiosity. I peek inside and to no avail, he's not there.

"Looking for me?" a voice says

I Freeze. It's tom. It's tom and he knows i'm borderline stalking him oh god.

I turn around slowly.

"I'm so sorry i didn't mean this to be creepy" i say trying to explain myself.

"no no it's okay " he says smiling "if anything i think it's kinda cute" he adds.

I'm relieved. he doesn't think i'm a total creep.

"You wanna come in?" he asks me

" i can't, my van is waiting for me outside" i say a little disappointed

" bummer" he says with saddened puppy eyes looking at the floor

"but i'll see you again right?" he adds , looking up with the same puppy eyes , hoping for a yes.

i laugh, " i don't see why not"

"you added my phone number to my phone right ?" he says with the corner of his mouth turning up.

" i'll do it right now!" i exclaimed while getting my phone out .

I add his number and ask what i should put his contact name as.

He snatches my phone , types something , and gives it back


i let out a laugh

" what you think it's funny!?" he says while laughing aswell.

"i think YOURE funny" i say while ending my laugh.

We both look at each other for a bit

"i'll see you soon?" i ask

"ofcourse princess" he responds.

I get close to him and give him a kiss on the cheek

" goodnight Tom" i say with a smile

He stares at me like he's just seen a pile of million dollar bills right infront of him.

I go outside the doors and get inside my van. I sit inside where all the members are waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" asks the manager.

"yeah let's ride " says Raul

i stare out the window in amazement. Who could've known i had the balls to do that.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now