part 15: blue

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"then she came back from france and that's how everything has happened until now" i say while wiping off cheese sauce from the corner of my
mouth as we sit in the car with our food in our laps.

toms mouth is open in shock. which makes me able to see all the chewed up food hanging out in his food.which is gross.

"awe man what the fuck close your mouth" i say disgusted. which is my mistake as he opens his mouth even more.

"ahhh" he says as he shows me all his chewed up food and then swallows it,laughing.

i take another bite of my cheese fries .

"damn so shit went DOWN" he says

" ohsh yesh" i say while chewing.

he reclines in his seat and puts his hands behind his head "damnnnnn dude" he says , "i don't like her"

"why?" i ask

"she just doesn't give me good vibes" he says

"she's fine" i tell him " she's nice i was just annoyed that she came back like nothing happened " i huff

" we'll your boyfriend is here to protect you" he smirks

"boyfriend???!" i ask , "no honey you are not my boyfriend so calm down "

"oh now YOURE the player" he mocks

"people don't gain nicknames like player for a reason " i respond.

"so you believe the rumors" he asks

"well you were quick to get with me" i say as i raise my eyebrows

he smirks, his lip ring handing off his bottom lip.

i smile back knowing i proved my point.

we drive back to bill and toms apartment to hang out for a bit.

we get into the apartment and call out for bill.

"i think he's in the kitchen" says tom while pointing to it.

we walk into the kitchen and bill is in there making cocktails.

"hey guys!" he says as he goes to hug me.

"hey bill" i hug back.

"cocktail?" he asks.

"i'm more a beer girl " i say " but sure " i smile

he hands me the cocktail and we all sit in the living room talking about childhood stories and our rise to fame.

after about an hour i get up from the couch and announce i'll be going out by the balcony to smoke.

i pull out my pack of cigs out of the back pocket from
my miss mw jeans and take out my lighter from my front pocket.

i put one in my mouth and light it.

after being out for a bit ,bill comes out and asks me for one too.

he puts it in his mouth and i lean in to light his up with my already lit cigarette.

"i heard about alice" he says while leaning backwards on the balcony ramp facing the inside of the noise.

"i'm smoking to forget about it" i say,as i'm leaning towards the balcony, facing the city lights.

"i don't know why she came back after she just left like that" i say, almost wanting to tear up.

i take my cig out of my mouth and throw it on the ground as i stomp on it.

bill frowns and comes to hug me.

he gets it. he's always gotten it. his arms wrap me and i immediately crumble into tears.

he kisses my head and rubs my back.

after i wipe my tears i get a new cigarette out,lighting it up once again.

that's when i see tom. standing in the living room facing us,clearly having one too many drinks.

"hey to-" i say when i get interrupted by him murmuring.

"what did you say?" i ask

another murmur.

i look at bill confused and he looks at me back. i look back at tom.

"did yhuo juist keis her?"

"yeah on the hea-" says bill as he's interrupted by tom smashing his beer bottle on the wall. he's now holding the top of the bottle with the ends being sharp and pointy.

he runs towards bill and grabs his neck, point the broken bottle to him

"answerr me deid yhue jusy keis her?" he says drunkenly .


bill is struggling to breathe and tom is looking at him straight in the eyes.

that's when i cock my arm back and punch him in the face, knocking him out.

he falls to the floor and bill looks at me with wide eyes.

"jesus" he says quietly.

silence fills the air.

"why is his face so hard my knuckles hurt"

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now