part 23: de janeiro

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i get woken up gently by tom kissing me on the forehead.

i open my eyes and smile

"we're here" he whispers

"5 more minutes " i say as i lay on his shoulder again, making myself comfortable.

"cmon y/n we're about to land" he says as he caresses my hair.

i roll my eyes jokingly and stretch.

intertwine my arm in his and look over to bill. i see he's getting ready and packing his magazines back in his bag.

we all get up and leave the plane ,stepping out to the airport.

already brazilian air feels way different than american air . i realize we don't even have a hotel picked and so i called a 5 star hotel near us.

i got the reservation for 3 days and 3 hotel rooms and me and the boys make our way to the hotel.

we walk outside the airport and wave down a taxi

we get inside and i imagine the driver asks where to

"emmmm para o hotel, por favor" i say

he nods his head. holy shit i actually didn't fuck up

i look at the guys all happy and they seem just as surprised.

"okay bilingual girl" bill jokes

we get to the hotel and pay our fair

"obrigado" i say

"de nada" the driver says back.

we walk in the entrance to the hotel with is HUGE. the lobby is ginormous, a chandelier hangs from the tall feelings, glass golden floors shine and the walls are filled with paintings

i walk up to the receptionist

" excuse me do you speak english?" i ask

"yes ofcourse " she smiles

"great! i called earlier and booked some rooms " i say

"and what is the name under those rooms?" she asks as she pulls something up on the computers

"y/n y/l/n" i say

"alright that's going to be 2 , 1 king bed bedrooms as that's all we have available , is that okay?" she says as she looks up to me from her computer

i look back at the guys as i realize one of us is going to have to share, i look back at her

"uh yeah that's fine" i say

"great that'll be 1200 for 3 nights in 2 rooms" she says

i get my wallet out and hand her my card, and she puts it on my card.

"thank you " i say as she hands me the room keys

"de nada" she smiles

the boys and i go to the elevator and make it to the 7th floor where our rooms are .

"one of us is going to have to share " i say as i press the floor 7 button.

"me and tom can share" says bill

"yeah sure " says tom disappointed

"it's okay bill you can have a room to yourself me and tom can share" i say

"really!?!" bill says excitedly

"i don't see why not" i laugh

i look at tom and all i see is him hiding his big smile under his hand.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now