Part 8 - revisions

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After breakfast i say goodbye to Tom as although we're talking, we still are still people with jobs as the music industries #1.

I get dressed in a black cropped cami tee with baggy dark blue jeans paired up by black old school vans and hoops. i bring my beige tote bag with me with all the things i'll need today.
I head out the door to meet up with Vic at a local coffee shop to talk about the lyrics im writing .

Before i enter the shop i put on sunglasses to atleast try to avoid any paparazzi or fans.

i enter and see vic way in the back by a corner sitting down with 2 coffees.

"hey!" i say

"hey girl" she blows me a kissy face. " iced americano just how you like it" she says as she passes the drink to me.

"you know me so well" i say as i blow her a kissy face back. i sit down and take out my lyric journal and a pencil and start brainstorming ideas with her.

After a few hours my phone starts ringing

i look at my screen and it's bill .

"uhh you mind if i take this real quick?" i ask Vic while getting up and plan to go outside.

"go for it" she tells me while taking a sip of her now watered down coffee.

i walk outside and pick up the phone

"hey billy" i answer

"hey sweetie" he tells me, " do you happen to be free right now?"

"i'm out with Vic right now but if it's urgent i can leave at meet you sometime" i tell him

"it's not urgent at all but if you could come to my studio now i'd be great" he says over the line.

I look back through the big window and see Vic playing around with her phone.

"yeah i think we're done for today, send me the address and i'm on my way" i respond.

"great! see you there" he said

seconds after i get a notification from him with the address.

i walk back inside and tell vic to wrap up and say my goodbyes.

i leave the shop and make my way to Bills studio. minutes later i arrive and knock on his door. he opens it and greets me with his arms open.

"hey! thanks for making it in such a short notice " he thanks me

"anytime" i say back.
"come on in" he invites me.

the studio lights are dimmed, Tokio Hotel posters line the walls and i realize the whole band is there.

I say hi to Gustav and Georg and smack Tom in the back of the head.

I sit down next to tom and ask what Bill needed me for.

"Well we've been looking for some background vocals to be in our main track for our new song and we specifically wanted female voices" bill explains

" but we couldn't find a good female vocal who could do a scream like you can" Gustav added.

"so y'all want me to be that background voice?" i ask

"bingo" says Georg.

"yeah man let's do it" i say as i stand up and get ready to record .

Bill sets up the sound system and i get my headphones on.

he tells me what he wants exactly and we shoot about 8 times until he gets his perfect scream.

by the end my vocal cords were KILLING me.

i sit back to the chair and Gustav hands me a glass of water.

"thanks dude " i tell him. he nods and smiles.

bill walks our direction " well thank you so much y/n" he tells me " i'll make sure to add you to the credits of the song and 3% of royalties will go to you " he adds.

he gives me a big bear hug and i decide it's time to go home. it's about 9 pm now and walking around this time in the city alone as a woman isn't the safest idea.

Tom offers to walk me home which i reluctantly agree because...paparazzi hello.

but still i rather be exposed with being with this nut job than being exposed on the news for being brutally murdered.

Tom and I walk around 9 blocks to get to my apartment . the whole time he's talking to me about this fucking sandwich he had today. he's holding my hand while doing so.

i smile at the way his german accent says sandwich.



we get to my door and before i open my door and get it he stops me.

"i'm glad we're seeing each other " he tells me while putting my hair behind my ear.

"so do i" i smile back at him.

he comes closer and gives me a peck on the lips.

"already kissing ?" i joke "we just met!"

"oh stop flirting with me" he says as he nudges me

we stare at each other for a while.

"well," i say "goodnight tom"

"goodnight rockstar" he says as he gives me one last peck. i feel his cold metal lip ring against my lips.

i smile and enter my house, giving him a smile and a wave as i shut the door.

i love him. does he love me too?

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now