part 32: heartless

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i wake up to a loud knock on my apartment door.

i open my eyes lazily and waddle over to open the door.

i open the door to see the twins there smiling widely.

"sorry i'm not interested in becoming a jehovas witness today thank you" i jokingly say

"breakfast?" bill says holding up a big white bag excitedly

i smile and let them in.

"looks like someone just woke up" says tom as he lets himself drop into my couch

i look at myself as i wear an oversized "the sex pistols" shirt and underwear you thankfully cannot see.

"yeah yeah" i say as i roll my eyes and sit in my kitchen island where bill is taking out the boxes of food.

"i appreciate the touch billy but i'm not hungry yet i just woke up" i say as i let my head rest on my palm.

"you don't gotta eat y/n, i just thought it'd be nice to see you after last nights CHAOS." he says as he yells out the word chaos and looks over at tom, obviously making it obvious he's still upset about that.

"oh hey yeah about that" i say as i lift my head, "did alice say anything?"

"we'll she's PISSED at tom, and everyone in that party honestly for instagating them but with you she's fine." he said as he opened his box of food that revealed eggs, toast and bacon.

"so she's not mad at me correct?" i say as i steal a piece of bacon from his box

"nope" he says as he glares at me for doing so. " tom mentioned he brought up opening for you guys during tour?" he says as he turns around to find a fork.

as he does i hear tom getting up from the couch to join me. he walks over to the seat next to me and sits down, getting the box of his own.

"yeah he told me last night and i called kim yesterday just before going to sleep and she said she'd make an appointment this morning, i'm just waiting for her call" i say

not even 10 seconds go and my phone rings

Momma Kimmy 🥰🥰

"speak of the devil" i say as i show both of them the screen of my phone

hey kim

y/n! i have we have made an appointment for the meeting at 3pm. both tokio hotels label and ours will be present, make sure not to be late

you're a lifesaver!! thanks so much, hopefully they'll agree to our terms

agreed i think this is an amazing opportunity for both labels and i think is going to be so much fun! well i have to head off to some things i have planned , i'll see you later

i'll see you later kim, thanks again!

i hang up the phone

"we got an meeting at 3!" i say excitedly as i put my phone down.

the boys then pick up their forks and start eating as i watch.

-2 hours-

after hanging out for a few hours , the clock on my wall reads 1:16 and i turn over to my right where bill holds a glass of red wine as we all sit in the couch.

"y'all needa go" i tell him

"wowww you're kicking us out?" says tom

"absolutely get the fuck out of here" i say as i throw one of the pillows at him and he catches it , laughing.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now