part 26: light music

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i wake up to tom looking at me while he rests his head on the pillow next to me.

i give him a light smile

"how long have you been up weirdo" i say as i reach my hand out to play with his hair

"i just woke up a few minutes ago " he says in his deep morning voice.

"i see" i say as i sit up .

as i do so a striking pain hits my lower area. i flinch and tom notices .

"are you okay?" he says as he reaches over to help me.

"yeah i just think you went a little crazy yesterday " i say half laughing half hurting.

"oh" he says laughing "sorry about that "

i ask him to pass over the phone so i can call bill. his phone rings for like 2 mins until he finally picks up.

heyyy billy

hey girl

did you have fun yesterday?

i have SO much to talk about

then hurry up and come to our room

hmm okay i'll be there in 5

i hang up the phone

"he's coming in 5 so i'd suggest wearing some type of clothes " i say as i look at him up and down

he blushes and gets out of bed and gets a pair of underwear from the walmart bag.

" i kinda wanna go out to eat breakfast " i say as i lie in bed , wanting to get up but feeling lazy and kind of hurt.

"hm we should let bill know then" he says as he throws on a shirt and walks over to my side of the bed and sits by me.

"are you doing okay?" he says as he plays with my hair

"yeah i'm fine " i nod "just hurts a bit " i say as i try to stand up and waddle my ass over to the bathroom .

as i brush my teeth i hear knocking on the door and tom letting bill in

"get out i have things to gossip about!" he says as he bangs on the door.

"i'll be out in a sec hold on!" i yell from the bathroom.  i finish up brushing my teeth and waddle my way to the hotel couch where they're both sitting at.

bill notices me stumbling and walking weird . he looks back at me and then back at tom, then back at me and then back at tom again

"did y'all?....." he asks reluctantly

"NO" i literally yell embarrassed like that doesn't give it away . i'm literally so stupid .

"yeah okay...." he says looking at me up and down.

"okay anyway" i say trying to change the topic, " how about you tell me the gossip while we go out to eat breakfast somewhere?" i say

" no this is urgent" says bill

he looks at tom and then at me.

"i stumbled across alice yesterday "

"what." i say blankly

" i was in the spa and once i came out from my message she was just sitting there out front in the lobby like she was waiting for me or something" he says " she just came up to me like it was something normal to see eachother in BRAZIL"

at this point i'm just looking at him with my eyes slightly widened and my jaw partially opened.

"i don't know how she knows we're here because none of this has been released to the media . " he rants " and she kept asking me about you and where you were and i just was like ohh she isn't here sadly" he says

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now