part 21: attention

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me and bill finish up breakfast and move to the living room, i bring my tea with me and sit down next to bill.

that's when tom wakes up

he opens his eyes and looks around till his eyes meet mine.

he gets up and jumps, like this is some military zone and im not supposed to be there.

i just stare at him

"yeah goodmorning to you too dickface" i say while drinking my tea.

"what are you doing here." he says defensively

"i slept here" i say "in bills room"

i guess that ticked him off as he stomps to me ,grabs my wrist, pull me up and drags me to his room.

"you're hurting me" i state

he lets go of my wrist and looks at me.

"y/n" he says seriously " be honest with me " he says

oh boy nothing will prepare you for this next part.

"did you sleep with bill last night" he asks

"EXCUSE ME." i yelp.

my eyes are wide open and my jaw is on the FLOOR.

i know he didn't just ask me that.

"absolutely fucking not, bill isn't like your horny ass" i say.

relief is written all over his face but then he realizes what i said in that last part which he gets mad about.

"why are you looking at me like that like im wrong " i say

"you saw me yesterday didn't you" he says

"kinda hard not to when you're making out with some chick even when i told you i'd be back" i say

he just looks at me.

"which makes it seem like you wanted me to see" i say as i raise my eyebrows.

"it's not fair that IM the one who's always jealous and you're not " he borderline yells

"im sorry that im not crazy jealous?! we're not even together officially so i don't know what this is all about " i explain

a pause fills the room

"then maybe we should be together " he quietly says, looking at me.

"together together " he says.

"so you can cheat on me the second i leave you ?" i say annoyed.

"i just-" he tries to explain.

"i think you need to think about things,obviously you brining bill into this mess has your mind warped, so just sit down and think about this when you can." i explain calmly

i smile at him

"i'll be waiting for your thoughts" i say as i tiptoe and  kiss him on the cheek.

i step back and look at him

thank you

he mouths at me

"cmon let's go eat" i say as i leave the room

bill sees us walking out in a good mood

"y'all fuckkkk?" he asks

i walk into the kitchen as i give him the middle finger.

tom makes himself some breakfast and sits next to bill.

"just so you know i heard everything so i expect a sorry from you for thinking i slept with y/n" bill says as he scrolls on his computer

"sorry bro" tom apologizes

bill shrugs it off and looks back as his computer


"HUH" i tell aswell

i run to bills computer as it seems like the reason of shock.

i look into the computer and it's a picture of me and tom kissing on the dance floor on twitter.

when i said i didn't remember anything about  i didn't think it was going to be this bad.

2.4 million retweets.

two point four million retweets.

i look at tom and he looks at me

"shit." we say in unison

my phone rings. i pick it up and see it's kim.

"oh fuck fuck fuck it's kim" i say

bill and tom look at me in pity knowing they can't do anything

i pick up



hiiii kimmmm!

what the fuck did you do


oh my fucking god y/n


what am i going to tell the press y/n.

hold please

i look up from my phone

"tom" i say

"yes ma'am" he responds

"we're dating now" i tell him

i go back to my phone

tell them we're official kim

are you kidding

absolutely not let them know


you surprise me everyday y/n.

thank you kim i love you

i get off the phone and look at the boys knowing i nailed that shit

tom is looking at me with his eyes wide and jaw open

so is bill

"what's up" i say with a smug face.

tom literally jumps up, picks me up and starts spinning me around which makes me look like a fan.

like i'm going FAST

"I LOVE YOU" he says filled with joy

"PUT ME DOWN" i yell

bills just kinda looking at us with his arms crossed laughing at us

tom finally puts me down and i'm tumbling since he was spinning me at 89 miles per hour

he smiles and engulfes me in his arms

" i love you girlfren"he teases

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