Part 10- rock it

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5 more days until Tom comes back. all he's been doing is how horny he is now that he hasn't seen me but promised to not do anything stupid.

i've just lounged and be lazy and write lyrics for the past 2 days.

i talked to kim about how we need a photographer to follow the band around when out and referred her to the lady who i've found out her name is Lydia.

and lydia is kinda weird not gonna lie but i rock with her.

Being away from Tom makes me feel like bella swan when edward left her for like 5 months except it's only a week and i'll literally see him soon.

i notice how i've only really known Tom well for about 2 months and it makes me eager to know more about his mischievous self.

i pick up my phone while laying in the living room looking outside the window and dial Tom.

it's 3am and i dial him.

Hey rockstar

hey perv

i would never be that

mhm sure

why you up so late? isn't it like 2 over there?

it's 3 actually , but just thought i'd hear your voice for a bit

that's adorable

is it?


oh my god stop flirting with me!

i could never

yeah right you flirt with every girl you see

that was before i met you obviously

right right

i'm serious!

the line goes quiet for a while

talk to you tomorrow?

yeah it's pretty late for you miss

what can i say i break the rules

oh shut up you're a goody two shoes



i hang up and lay on my back. the red dim light from my lamp wraps my living room. the building lights and the light car noises surround my senses.

i move to my left and realize there's where tom layed.

i sniff the couch and i smell his scent.

i mix of cigarettes, cologne and his musk.

i inhale and a wave of relaxation comes over me. instantly i feel better. i shut my eyes and let myself go.

i wake up at 11 to the sound of Vic entering my apartment

"whadafuc" i say half asleep, half sitting up, then i lie back down.

she brought groceries with her because i'm too lazy to buy shit.

"dude like 6 people recognized me today at the store" she complains as she sets the bags down in my counter.

"mhm" i say as i move positions on the couch with my eyes still closed .

"broooo wake up " she says as she comes over and shakes my shoulders

"noooo" i whisper.

" we have a performance tomorrow for mtv and we need to rehearse" she says

"bro why didn't kim tell me" i say annoyed as i stand up and get a glass of water.

"idk dude she just told me to tell you" she says as she walks behind me

"so annoying" i whisper .

"get dressed and let's get outta here"  she tells me

i walk to my room and throw on a gray shirt and black shorts with "KISS MY ASS" lettering in the back left pocket. i put my hair up and put on minor mascara since no one's looking at me.

i walk out my room and vic follows. her long ass straight hair hits me as i walk by . her being 5'11 doesn't help.

we walk to the car garage and i get in her car. i close my eyes and try to get some sleep before we arrive at the mtv stage to rehearse.

"wake the fuck up" vic says as she nudges me.

i open my eyes and groan. we walk outside and make our way to the rehearsal stage.

Marc and Raul are already waiting for us and are sitting down in some chairs.

"let's get this show on the road" i say as i creep behind them and pinch their ears.

"ouch" marc says as he complains

Raul never really says anything. this is one of those times.

I warm up my vocals before absolutely destroying them in a few.

We get into position and rehearse (All Around Me- Flyleaf and I'm so sick- Flyleaf).

Kim makes us do it 3 more times to make sure everything goes smoothly.

By the end i'm tired and sweating profoundly. My throat hurts,my head is pounding and my forehead is hot.

I text tom ,hoping it makes me feel better

Im feeling so horrendous, i think i'm sick, stay away i'm a zombie!

i look at the text and laugh.

damn i'm funny.

I know it'll be a few hours before he even sees it so i put my phone back in my pocket and lydia takes the most horrible picture of me.

"you know your whole job is to make us look good" i say with a hand on my hip.

"who said you looked bad?" she grins

"whatever man" i walk away.

as i try to walk away, everything starts moving. my head is thumping , and my vision goes pitch black and my eyes roll back as i feel myself falling.

"y/n? Y/N!" i hear a faint voice in the background.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now