part 16- morning after

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i drag tom back into the house.

while i throw him on the couch next to bill. i walk to the freezer and get bill an ice pack for his neck.

"thanks y/n" he says

"yeah no problem " i say.

i sit on the opposite end of tom, by his feet while bill sits by his head.

a quiet pause fills the room.

i turn to bill.

"did you see now many drinks he had?" i ask.

bill points at the coffee table that's infront of the couch.

i look towards that direction and count 4 cocktail classes and 7 beers.

i look back at bill with a horrified face.

"yup. " he states.

"can you help me carry him to his room" i ask

"yeah cmere" he says

i grab tom by both feet and bill grabs him by the head and and shoulders.

even with my and bills weight combined together, it's still a challenge to pick him up and move him to the bed.

as we get to the bed we toss them.

i'm sweating balls and so is bill so we decide to get something to drink at the kitchen.

"are you sure you're okay?" i ask bill as i drink some water

"i'm fine it's just " he says " tom has always been like this around girls"

"he always thinks i'm taking them from him when i'm reality i want no bussiness with them" he states.

"he thinks you're stealing ME from him?!!?!" i ask shocked

"guess so" i says as he takes a sip from his water.

"that's funny " i laugh

"tell me about it" he says "even with his my own girlfriends he always thinks it's a personal attack, when its not" he explains.

"that's fucked" i state.

"i'm gonna beat his ass when he wakes up " he says as he holds his neck in pain.

"ouch" i say

"you mind if i crash on your couch tonight?" i ask

"yeah yeah go for it " he says

"thanks bill" i say as i give him a friendly kiss on the cheek and say goodnight.

i lay on the couch and let myself go to sleep.

i'm woken up in the morning by someone shaking me by the shoulders and groans.

i open my eyes and see tom absolutely fucked.

"what happened yesterday???" he asks as he lets himself drop on the couch, holding his head in pain.

" you choked bill" i say like it's a walk in the park

"i WHAT" he yells

"yeah and then i punched you in the face to get you off him" i say as i stretch.

"so all the combinations of pain you're feeling is due to your own stupid decisions" i tell him as i get up to go to the bathroom.

i stop in my tracks

" where's the bathroom " i ask

"down the hall to the left " he points.

"thanks" i say

i pee and come back to the living room to see tom whining in pain.

"where do you keep your meds you man baby" i ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"ughhhhhhh top right cabinet" he groans.

i get the ibuprofen bottle and go into the fridge and get an apple juice .

i toss him the apple juice

"drink up " i say

"i like orange juice bet-" he says before he's interrupted by me throwing the bottle of pills at his face.

"OW!" he yells as he holds his nose.

"you want to get even more hurt?" i ask him in a sarcastic tone.

"no ma'am" he says quietly

"that's what i thought " i say laying back down on the couch.

bill comes out of his room when he sees tom on the couch.

he takes off his slipper and starts hitting tom with.

weird this has happened to him twice now.

bill starts cussing tom out in german.

i can't understand anything of what they're saying but i'm guessing some naughty words are being exchanged .

tom says something in german and follows it up with "sorry"

bill takes he's slipped back into his foot and goes "humph".

he crosses his arms and walks to the kitchen to wash up all the dirty dishes that were left from yesterday.

tom gets up and gets a broom and starts sweeping the broken glass in the floor lazily.

i just lay there doing nothing because i deserve this princess treatment .

"tom" i call him

"what" he said

"did you apologize to bill" i ask

"yes" he states

" and did you apologize to me?" i ask sarcastically.

he looks at me and drops the broom at the stop he's at. he walks up to where i'm sitting at and gets on his knees and elbows.

"dead mighty and beautiful y/n, i deeply apologize about what has happened last night, i was too jealous and i admit it, will you forgive  me?" he says

i laugh

i REALLY laugh

like i'm cackling at this point.

"HAHAHA-no." i state. "now clean up dickhead"

he gets up .

"man fuck you" he says as he gives me BOTH middle fingers.

i stick out my tongue and mock him.

he's so sassy.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now