part 24: slide

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bill knocks on the hotel room door

"open up!!!" he yells

i hear tom open the door for him

"where's y/n" i hear bill say


"hurry the weather is so nice" i hear bill say

i tie the back of the black bikini top nicely and put on some mini shorts over the bikini bottom.

i leave the bathroom and see bill laying on the bed while tom fixes his hair in the mirror.

"i'm ready " i say as i lean against the wall.

"looking good" says bill as he gets up from the bed and puts his swim shirt on.

tom comes to look at me and gives me a spin around

"how is it possible you always look so gorgeous?" he says as he comes up behind me , wraps his arms around my stomach and gives me a peck on the ear.

"ew gross get a room" says bill as he walks towards the door

"we do but SOMEONE is in it" i say jokingly as tom unwraps his arms and we both make it out the door aswell but not before i take my bag i had pre filled with things we need for the beach.

we all make it downstairs and walk out the hotel doors. just across the street is the beach.

beautiful ,tan tall girls with perfect bodies roam the beach. soccer balls are being passed around. portuguese and sunlight fill my senses.

we cross the street and look for a spot in the sand to lay on.

we decide on a spot about 30 feet from the water.

"tom help me out with this " i say as i take out a box that holds a tent inside out.

bill comes to help us too as we set up the tent which covers us from the sunrays. i take out a beach blanket and 3 lounge chairs and set them up inside the perimeter of the tent.

"there we go" i say out of breath as i wipe sweat off my forehead.

bill sits on one of the chairs and puts sunglasses on.

"you're not going to get in the water?" i ask

"eh" bill says "later"

"suit yourself " i say as i take my shorts off

tom follows my steps and takes his shirt off.

i stare at his abs once again. if you saw them you'd understand too.

"i told you you'd be able to see them again " he says as he winks

"shut up" i say flustered as i fold my shorts and put them next to bills chair

"i hate couples" bill says as he gets comfortable on his chair

"whatever " i joke

i walk out past the tent and wait for tom to get out with me.

he takes out his hair tie which lets his locks be free

"cmon!" i laugh as i run towards the water

i get in and start splashing him water as he walks in.

after 2 hours it's time to go eat something so me and tom both get up and make our way to the tent

i see bill is asleep and i look at tom giving him a mischievous smirk.

i put my finger over my mouth and go "shhh"

he smirks back and i sneak over behind bills sear

i go in by his ear and whisper

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now