part 38: la final

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as rehearsal for both us and tokio hotel wraps up (which really just consisted of checking all tech worked) we go backstage for touch ups .

"i can hear the crowed being created right now" i say as i get my hair touched up by kim

"where did angel go??? she was supposed to be here" kim asks frustrated as she tightens my little pony tails

"okay first of all OUCH and secondly i have no clue but if i knew i'd let you know " i say as i whip out a mirror and look at myself

i blow a kiss into the mirror and quickly hide it so that hopefully kim didn't have the chance to see it.

"y/n!" raul calls for me as he walks over with a beautiful dark purple electric guitar

"she's beautiful raul, you gonna play her?" i ask him

"she's all yours actually" he says as she hands it over

"you're kidding " i say as i grab the guitar and hold it in my lap in the correct position

"nope, i know how you have been wanting to play some guitar during our shows while you sing so " he says as he shows off the guitar " she's all yours"

"oh god i love you raul shes gorgeous " i say as i play with the guitar

he just smiles

"alright get up we're done here" says kim and i stand up and put the guitar strap on.

"cool" i mutter under my breath and raul, kim and i make our way where tokio hotel , vic and mark are preparing for the show.

bill does vocal warm ups

georg plays around with his bass around a bit

vic plays with her sticks with the rhythm of the music

in all, everyone is pretty hype

"OKAY tokio hotel" their manager says " please head towards the stage now and get into placements as we run tech checks" he says as he signals them to the opening on the stage where the crowd waits in darkness for them to go on

i wish everyone good luck, especially with tom

"you're going to do so so good " i say as i grab his hand

he looks down and smiles at me, his lip ring shining in the dim backstage light.

his then energetic eyes soften.

"you've done me so much good" he says through his german accent

"i love you" he says as he leans in and kisses me .

i stand in bliss as his lips are on mine.

i can taste the apple chapstick he puts on every
morning. isn't that cute?

he pulls away , " i need to go" he says as he gives me one last hug before

"okay " i say with a smile

he turns around and speed walks towards the entrance of the stage

"TOM!" i yell with my hands around my mouth so my voice projects

he turns around confused

"me more! i love you more!!!" i yell

his worried expression turns into an ear to ear smile which then butterflies into a big laugh

one thing i've noticed about tom is that everytime , no matter what, whenever he smiles, his eyes close up giving the worlds cutest eye smile and his cheeks puff up like a little kid.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now