Part 11- fever dream

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i wake up in my bed with someone holding my hand.

it's Tom.

"tom?" i sat quietly as i try to stand up.

he looks up and wraps his arms around me.

"what's going on?" i respond patting him on the back.

he steps back and smiles.

"you've been out for 28 hours" he tells me

"TWENTY EIGHT????" i say shocked.

i look down to my right arm and see i have a needle in my arm giving me liquid IV.

omg Kim is so dramatic.

i take the needle out.

"hey hey what the fuck are you doing " he says

"nah nah what the fuck are YOU doing " i ask confused. " i thought you were in Germany?"

" i was until Marc called me and told me you were absolutely horrible" he said "both me and bill came back" he says pointing to the doorway, where bill stood leaning against the doorframe.

"hey girl" bill says

"hi...🤨" i respond back.

"so y'all are back just for this?" i ask

"yup" they both say at the same time.

"well i'm sorry i wasted your time," i say "i'm fine" i say while standing up. as soon as i want to stand up i fall back down and my head feels light.

"obviously you're not fine " tom says.

"i'm lightheaded that's all" i respond

"have you been eating ?" asks bill

"i don't know, yeah?" i respond

they look at me with a we-know-you're-bullshitting face.

"i'll just sleep and we're good" i say


i reach my phone that's on my bedside table and dial kim.

i look at bill and tom and mouth "performance" and they understand.

hey ki-


I am yes

great! i got you plugged into some liquid iv as you were seriously malnutritioned

um thank you kim

yes you're so welcome

i was calling to ask about the performance? what happened with that?

we moved that for 2 days after today. paraphernalia will be performing on friday.

okay thank you so much kim, sorry for making everyone worry.

it's okay, now go rest

i hang up the phone and look back at the boys.

i sigh and pause

"y'all trynna hang out with me today" i ask

they both smile. "that's what we came for!" exclaims bill. tom keeps quiet and his corners of the mouth turn up.

after a few minutes i ask them to stop to the grocery store and get coffee beans.

while they're out i get in the shower and wash up. i get in the shower and sit there, letting the water hit my hair, which in turn makes me look like a wet dog.

i get out and change into a black GAP hoodie and hot pink shorts.

i leave my room and i see the siblings have come back and i sit down in the kitchen island where they're currently at.

bill throws me an electrolyte drink.

"drink up buttercup" he says as i catch the drink.

"thanks" i say.

tom walks around the island and wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"you feeling better?" he says as he kisses my cheek.

"yeah , i took a shower and let myself marinate in the water" i respond

"that's nice " he responds.

"how was germany?" i ask the both of them.

" our parents needed us for something minor but it felt nice going back after being in america for such a long time " responds bill.

"awe that's cute" i respond while drinking the last drop of my drink.

i lay my head down on the counter and close my eyes.

i look up and see them examining me.

" i need to go" says bill as he moves from the kitchen and grabs his bag. " i need to unpack both mine and toms shit.

"you'll be all okay?" bill asks.

me and tom give him a thumbs up . he leaves and screams "GET BETTER".

once he leaves tom picks me up and brings me to my room.

i won't even complain because im so tired that i literally cannot deal with anything.

he places me down and kisses me on the forehead.

he lays next to me ,holds my hand and plays with my hair.

i fall asleep happy knowing this dummy is here next
to me

AUTHORS NOTE: i can't say anything but thank you!! the support has been amazing and i'll continue working on this story till the end. this chapter has been a bit on the short side butttt i promise i will compromise. i love you all thank you!💕

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